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==<font color='blue'>GitHub</font>==
==<font color='blue'>About</font>==
Use ROS2 in Elphel single or multi-camera systems. The cameras are 10393 system boards based on Xilinx Zynq, ARM.
<font color='red'>https://github.com/erlerobot/meta-ros2</font> ?
==<font color='blue'>Goals</font>==
<font color='green'>'''Notes:'''
* Controlling and initializing of multi-camera systems is already implemented using PHP API (autocampars.php), Python and lighttpd.
* Using ROS2 is intended to simplify/standardize the above.
* Using ROS2 is intended to make cameras compatible with other hardware supported by ROS1/2.
==<font color='blue'>ROS2</font>==
Having ROS2 cross-compiled and installed on each camera:
* '''Initialize cameras in a pre-defined multi-camera system''' - sync and sequence critical init
* '''Control multiple cameras from any camera of the system''' - parameters, recording
* '''Control multiple cameras from a PC''' (with ROS2 for PC installed).
* '''Control multiple cameras from a network device''' (w/o ROS2 installed, but with a browser) - by accessing a web server running on a camera interfaced with ROS2 of the camera. Can use nodejs or just lighttpd+php.
===Other links===
==<font color='blue'>Status</font>==
* [http://www.eprosima.com/index.php/resources-all/performance/40-eprosima-fast-rtps-performance FastRTPS benchmarks]
* [http://docs.eprosima.com/en/latest/advanced.html FastRTPS max message size]
==<font color='blue'>News</font>==
* [https://wiki.ros.org/Services Request-Response]
* [2019/01/03] Updated the cross-compiled version from '''ardent''' to '''bouncy'''. PC was already at '''bouncy''' because rclnodejs will work with '''bouncy''' only (not yet compatible with '''crystal''').  
Updated because ''bouncy'' would not 'see' ''ardent'' nodes & services and vice versa.
==<font color='blue'>Interfaces</font>==
ROS2 nodes communicate over:
* '''1 GigE LAN''' or (possibly) '''wifi''' (camera1-camera2..N, pc-camera1..N, pc1-pc2..M)
* within a single device
<font color='green'>'''Notes:'''
* image sensors, IMS (or GPS & IMU), any other sensors are attached to cameras via a custom interface or USB, with appropriate driver support.
* normally cameras in the system are synced with a custom trigger cable - this is setup over network
* any device attached to PC?
==<font color='blue'>ROS2 on Zynq</font>==
* For Embedded Linux (but not Ubuntu Distro) use [https://github.com/bmwcarit/meta-ros.git meta-ros.git]. What about <font color='red'>[https://github.com/erlerobot/meta-ros2 meta-ros2]</font>?
<font color='green'><s>'''TODO:''' Include [https://github.com/bmwcarit/meta-ros.git meta-ros.git] in [https://git.elphel.com/Elphel/elphel393 elphel393] build system.</s></font>
<font color='green'>'''DONE:''' included a forked version [https://github.com/okdzhimiev/meta-ros/ okdzhimiev/meta-ros]</font>
====Include meta-ros to elphel393====
* Add path to bblayers.conf
* Add path to bblayers.conf
* Add to "IMAGE_INSTALL_append" of core-image-elphel393.bb:
* Add to "IMAGE_INSTALL_append" of core-image-elphel393.bb:
  ros2-demo-nodes-cpp \
  <font size='2'>packagegroup-ros2-world \</font>
ros2topic \
ros2msg \
ros2run \
<font color='green'>'''Notes:'''
* Is this a required minimum?
* Cross-compilation for ARM
* '''ROS_USE_PYTHON3 = "yes"''' no effect? It already uses python3?</font>
* ROS2 for python populates '''/usr/lib/python3.5/site-packages/''' so python scripts can live anywhere.
* For command line apps, like ''ros2 ...'', if AMENT_PREFIX_PATH is not set then:
<font size='1' color='red'>'''OSError: Environment variable 'AMENT_PREFIX_PATH' is not set or empty'''</font>
* Useful commands (command line):
<font size='2'>export AMENT_PREFIX_PATH=/usr</font>
<font size='2'>ros2 pkg list
ros2 node list
ros2 srv list
ros2 srv show std_srvs/Trigger
ros2 msg list
ros2 msg show std_msgs/String</font>
====talker-listener cpp====
<font size='2'>''# terminal 1:''
ros2 run demo_nodes_cpp talker
''# terminal 2:''
ros2 run demo_nodes_cpp listener</font>
====Available packages====
* SSH session:
* Use example recipes from [https://github.com/bmwcarit/meta-ros.git meta-ros.git]
root@elphel393:~# export AMENT_PREFIX_PATH=/usr
* ''bitbake package-name'', check output and logs in the poky build tree
root@elphel393:~# ros2 pkg list
* List package in core-image-elphel393.bb's ''IMAGE_INSTALL_append''
<font size='1'>builtin_interfaces
<font color='green'>'''TODO:'''
* Add ''target-scp'' and an example empty recipe</font>
====Test Talker and Listener====
==<font color='blue'>ROS2 on PC</font>==
* SSH session 1:
root@elphel393:~# export AMENT_PREFIX_PATH=/usr
* Google and follow the [https://index.ros.org/doc/ros2/ general instructions].
root@elphel393:~# ros2 run demo_nodes_cpp talker
* SSH session 2:
root@elphel393:~# export AMENT_PREFIX_PATH=/usr
root@elphel393:~# ros2 run demo_nodes_cpp listener
<font color='green'>'''Notes:'''</font>
* <font color='green'>If AMENT_PREFIX_PATH is not set then:</font>
* Switched to installing from a ''fat'' archive
  <font size='1'>Traceback (most recent call last):
* Terminal setup:
  File "/usr/bin/ros2", line 11, in <module>
  <font size='2'>''source /path/setup.bash''</font>
    load_entry_point('ros2cli==0.4.0', 'console_scripts', 'ros2')()
  File "/usr/lib/python3.5/site-packages/ros2cli/cli.py", line 64, in main
    rc = extension.main(parser=parser, args=args)
  File "/usr/lib/python3.5/site-packages/ros2run/command/run.py", line 59, in main
  File "/usr/lib/python3.5/site-packages/ros2run/api/__init__.py", line 30, in get_executable_path
    paths = get_executable_paths(package_name=package_name)
  File "/usr/lib/python3.5/site-packages/ros2pkg/api/__init__.py", line 41, in get_executable_paths
    prefix_path = get_prefix_path(package_name)
  File "/usr/lib/python3.5/site-packages/ros2pkg/api/__init__.py", line 34, in get_prefix_path
    prefix_path = get_package_prefix(package_name)
  File "/usr/lib/python3.5/site-packages/ament_index_python/packages.py", line 49, in get_package_prefix
    content, package_prefix = get_resource('packages', package_name)
  File "/usr/lib/python3.5/site-packages/ament_index_python/resources.py", line 37, in get_resource
    for path in get_search_paths():
  File "/usr/lib/python3.5/site-packages/ament_index_python/search_paths.py", line 30, in get_search_paths
    "Environment variable '{}' is not set or empty".format(AMENT_PREFIX_PATH_ENV_VAR))
<font color='red'>'''OSError: Environment variable 'AMENT_PREFIX_PATH' is not set or empty'''</font></font>
==<font color='blue'>ROS1</font>==
* Create a workspace
* Create some packages inside or clone - they have a [https://github.com/dirk-thomas/vcstool vcs tool] to clone all repos from a text file.
* Install [https://colcon.readthedocs.io/en/released/user/quick-start.html colcon]
* Then build with colcon
* New packages will not get installed anywhere. They live in their folders.
* To use a package:
<font size='2'>source ~/ros2_ws/some-package/install/setup.bash
ros2 pkg list
then run anything in this terminal</font>
* Python scripts can live anywhere - just run them from that sourced terminal
==<font color='blue'>ROS2 in Docker</font>==
<font color='red'>'''Won't build'''</font>
  docker pull osrf/ros2:bouncy-desktop
<font size='1'>Build Configuration:
  docker run -i -t osrf/ros2:bouncy-desktop
BB_VERSION          = "1.37.0"
  No network, no colcon, no ament...
BUILD_SYS            = "x86_64-linux"
NATIVELSBSTRING      = "universal"
  TARGET_SYS          = "arm-poky-linux-gnueabi"
MACHINE              = "elphel393"
DISTRO              = "poky"
DISTRO_VERSION      = "2.4+snapshot-20181204"
TUNE_FEATURES        = "arm armv7a vfp neon cortexa9"
TARGET_FPU          = "softfp"
meta-yocto-bsp      = "HEAD:72867393fe2004ab9f0ee23eb09a975c82938b9e"
meta-ezynq          = "rocko:046de13c06cc248b725cb7b9928f35d4a369b50f"
  meta-elphel393      = "rocko:0cea9b9b8776f0fe725316f1be1501396c95feb4"
meta-ros            = "HEAD:72068b17e4192b51e09c8dc633805a35edac8701"
meta-xilinx-bsp      = "HEAD:a18947c20dba2c0c38db8bde1ad4684995df4bbd"
meta-webserver      = "HEAD:34aa4c3202b427f59f843dc43a4e1afda4f81d13"</font>
* Error 1:
==<font color='blue'>ROS2 General Notes</font>==
** ROS_USE_PYTHON3 = "yes"
** IMAGE_INSTALL += "roslaunch"
* SROS is Secure ROS or something
<font size='1'>NOTE: Resolving any missing task queue dependencies
===Useful links===
ERROR: Nothing RPROVIDES 'python3-pycrypto' (but /home/oleg/GIT/elphel393_rocko_clean_install/meta/meta-ros/recipes-devtools/python/python3-paramiko_1.16.0.bb RDEPENDS on or otherwise requires it)
NOTE: Runtime target 'python3-pycrypto' is unbuildable, removing...
Missing or unbuildable dependency chain was: ['python3-pycrypto']
NOTE: Runtime target 'python3-paramiko' is unbuildable, removing...
Missing or unbuildable dependency chain was: ['python3-paramiko', 'python3-pycrypto']
NOTE: Runtime target 'roslaunch' is unbuildable, removing...
Missing or unbuildable dependency chain was: ['roslaunch', 'python3-paramiko', 'python3-pycrypto']
ERROR: Required build target 'core-image-elphel393' has no buildable providers.
Missing or unbuildable dependency chain was: ['core-image-elphel393', 'roslaunch', 'python3-paramiko', 'python3-pycrypto']</font>
* Successful build:
* [http://docs.erlerobotics.com/robot_operating_system/ros2 ErleRobotics Tutorials on ROS2] - very useful
** IMAGE_INSTALL += "roslaunch"
<font size='1'>NOTE: Resolving any missing task queue dependencies
* [https://index.ros.org/doc/ros2/Ament-Tutorial/ Ament tutorial] - build system for new packages
ERROR: Nothing RPROVIDES 'python3-pycrypto' (but /home/oleg/GIT/elphel393_rocko_clean_install/meta/meta-ros/recipes-devtools/python/python3-paramiko_1.16.0.bb RDEPENDS on or otherwise requires it)
** works and supported in meta-ros
NOTE: Runtime target 'python3-pycrypto' is unbuildable, removing...
** will not work for PC because repo hashes moved on?
Missing or unbuildable dependency chain was: ['python3-pycrypto']
NOTE: Runtime target 'python3-paramiko' is unbuildable, removing...
Missing or unbuildable dependency chain was: ['python3-paramiko', 'python3-pycrypto']
NOTE: Runtime target 'roslaunch' is unbuildable, removing...
Missing or unbuildable dependency chain was: ['roslaunch', 'python3-paramiko', 'python3-pycrypto']
ERROR: Required build target 'core-image-elphel393' has no buildable providers.
Missing or unbuildable dependency chain was: ['core-image-elphel393', 'roslaunch', 'python3-paramiko', 'python3-pycrypto']</font>
* [https://index.ros.org/doc/ros2/Colcon-Tutorial/ Colcon tutorial] - newest build system for new packages
** works for PC, even in 16.04
** not supported in meta-ros (as of 2018/12/07)
** [https://colcon.readthedocs.io/en/released/user/how-to.html#build-only-a-single-package-or-selected-packages colcon docs]
* Error 2:
* [https://discourse.ros.org/search?q=meta-ros%20order%3Alatest About meta-ros] and [https://discourse.ros.org/search?q=meta-ros2%20order%3Alatest about meta-ros2] - are they merged?
** <font color='red'>Seems like '''rostopic''' causes:</font>
<font size='1'>ERROR: python-imaging-1.1.7-r5 do_package_qa: QA Issue: python-imaging: The compile log indicates that host include and/or library paths were used.
          Please check the log '/home/oleg/GIT/elphel393_rocko_clean_install/poky/build/tmp/work/cortexa9-neon-poky-linux-gnueabi/python-imaging/1.1.7-r5/temp/log.do_compile' for more information. [compile- host-path]
ERROR: python-imaging-1.1.7-r5 do_package_qa: QA run found fatal errors. Please consider fixing them.
ERROR: python-imaging-1.1.7-r5 do_package_qa: Function failed: do_package_qa
ERROR: Logfile of failure stored in: /home/oleg/GIT/elphel393_rocko_clean_install/poky/build/tmp/work/cortexa9-neon-poky-linux-gnueabi/python-imaging/1.1.7-r5/temp/log.do_package_qa.19425
ERROR: Task (/home/oleg/GIT/elphel393_rocko_clean_install/meta/meta-openembedded/meta-python/recipes-devtools/python/python-imaging_1.1.7.bb:do_package_qa) failed with exit code '1'</font>
potential links:
removed python3-imaging from '''rosbag''' - everything builds but then not really working.
  with '''ROS_USE_PYTHON3 = "yes"''' stopped at finding an appropriate '''python-pycrypto''' lib
* [http://design.ros2.org/articles/ros_on_dds.html ROS on DDS]
  <font size='2'>...
if you are concerned about latency, like for soft real-time, you can basically tune DDS to be just a UDP blaster. In another scenario you might need something that behaves like TCP, but needs to be more
tolerant to long dropouts, and with DDS all of these things can be controlled by changing the QoS parameters.
* [http://www.eprosima.com/index.php/resources-all/performance/40-eprosima-fast-rtps-performance FastRTPS benchmarks]
* <font color='red'>'''Won't work'''</font>
* [http://docs.eprosima.com/en/latest/advanced.html FastRTPS max message size]
* [https://erlerobotics.gitbooks.io/erle-robotics-python-gitbook-free/udp_and_tcp/a_simple_tcp_client_and_server.html Good book about UDP?]
** There's no '''rosrun''' (does not exist?)
ROS2 Services:
** SSH session 1:
* [https://wiki.ros.org/Services Request-Response is done with '''service''']. Format [https://wiki.ros.org/srv srv]
*** Add to /etc/hosts:
* [https://discourse.ros.org/t/suggestions-for-std-srvs/1079/16 STD-SRVS '''discussion'''] & [https://github.com/ros2/examples/issues/4 ROS2 examples(?)] elphel393.localdomain elphel393
*** Export vars:
export ROS_ROOT=/opt/ros
export ROS_DISTRO=indigo
export ROS_PACKAGE_PATH=/opt/ros/indigo/share
export PATH=$PATH:/opt/ros/indigo/bin
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/ros/indigo/lib
export PYTHONPATH=/opt/ros/indigo/lib/python2.7/site-packages
export ROS_MASTER_URI=http://localhost:11311
export CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=/opt/ros/indigo
touch /opt/ros/indigo/.catkin
*** Roscore
===Reference ROS repos===
* [https://github.com/inertialsense/inertial_sense_ros.git inertial_sense_ros.git] - cpp
* [https://github.com/intel/ros2_intel_realsense.git ros2_intel_realsense.git] - cpp
* [https://github.com/ros-drivers/axis_camera.git axis_camera.git] - python
* [https://github.com/bmwcarit/meta-ros.git meta-ros.git] - layer for Yocto
** SSH session 2:
==<font color='blue'>ROS1</font>==
root@elphel393:~# rosnode list
<font color='red'>'''Won't build'''</font>. [[ROS1|More info]].
  <font size='1'>/rosout</font>
root@elphel393:~# rospack list
  <font size='1'>cpp_common /opt/ros/indigo/share/cpp_common
  genmsg /opt/ros/indigo/share/genmsg
  genpy /opt/ros/indigo/share/genpy
  rosbag /opt/ros/indigo/share/rosbag
  rosbag_storage /opt/ros/indigo/share/rosbag_storage
  rosclean /opt/ros/indigo/share/rosclean
  rosconsole /opt/ros/indigo/share/rosconsole
  roscpp /opt/ros/indigo/share/roscpp
  roscpp_serialization /opt/ros/indigo/share/roscpp_serialization
  roscpp_tutorials /opt/ros/indigo/share/roscpp_tutorials
  rosgraph /opt/ros/indigo/share/rosgraph
  rosgraph_msgs /opt/ros/indigo/share/rosgraph_msgs
  roslaunch /opt/ros/indigo/share/roslaunch
  roslib /opt/ros/indigo/share/roslib
  roslz4 /opt/ros/indigo/share/roslz4
  rosmaster /opt/ros/indigo/share/rosmaster
  rosnode /opt/ros/indigo/share/rosnode
  rosout /opt/ros/indigo/share/rosout
  rospack /opt/ros/indigo/share/rospack
  rosparam /opt/ros/indigo/share/rosparam
  rospy /opt/ros/indigo/share/rospy
  rospy_tutorials /opt/ros/indigo/share/rospy_tutorials
  rostime /opt/ros/indigo/share/rostime
  rostopic /opt/ros/indigo/share/rostopic
  std_msgs /opt/ros/indigo/share/std_msgs
  topic_tools /opt/ros/indigo/share/topic_tools
  xmlrpcpp /opt/ros/indigo/share/xmlrpcpp</font>

Latest revision as of 15:00, 3 January 2019


Use ROS2 in Elphel single or multi-camera systems. The cameras are 10393 system boards based on Xilinx Zynq, ARM.



  • Controlling and initializing of multi-camera systems is already implemented using PHP API (autocampars.php), Python and lighttpd.
  • Using ROS2 is intended to simplify/standardize the above.
  • Using ROS2 is intended to make cameras compatible with other hardware supported by ROS1/2.

Having ROS2 cross-compiled and installed on each camera:

  • Initialize cameras in a pre-defined multi-camera system - sync and sequence critical init
  • Control multiple cameras from any camera of the system - parameters, recording
  • Control multiple cameras from a PC (with ROS2 for PC installed).
  • Control multiple cameras from a network device (w/o ROS2 installed, but with a browser) - by accessing a web server running on a camera interfaced with ROS2 of the camera. Can use nodejs or just lighttpd+php.




  • [2019/01/03] Updated the cross-compiled version from ardent to bouncy. PC was already at bouncy because rclnodejs will work with bouncy only (not yet compatible with crystal).

Updated because bouncy would not 'see' ardent nodes & services and vice versa.


ROS2 nodes communicate over:

  • 1 GigE LAN or (possibly) wifi (camera1-camera2..N, pc-camera1..N, pc1-pc2..M)
  • within a single device


  • image sensors, IMS (or GPS & IMU), any other sensors are attached to cameras via a custom interface or USB, with appropriate driver support.
  • normally cameras in the system are synced with a custom trigger cable - this is setup over network
  • any device attached to PC?

ROS2 on Zynq


TODO: Include meta-ros.git in elphel393 build system.

DONE: included a forked version okdzhimiev/meta-ros

Include meta-ros to elphel393

  • Add path to bblayers.conf
  • Add to "IMAGE_INSTALL_append" of core-image-elphel393.bb:
packagegroup-ros2-world \


  • Cross-compilation for ARM
  • ROS2 for python populates /usr/lib/python3.5/site-packages/ so python scripts can live anywhere.
  • For command line apps, like ros2 ..., if AMENT_PREFIX_PATH is not set then:
OSError: Environment variable 'AMENT_PREFIX_PATH' is not set or empty
  • Useful commands (command line):
ros2 pkg list
ros2 node list
ros2 srv list
ros2 srv show std_srvs/Trigger
ros2 msg list
ros2 msg show std_msgs/String


talker-listener cpp

# terminal 1:
ros2 run demo_nodes_cpp talker

# terminal 2:
ros2 run demo_nodes_cpp listener


  • Use example recipes from meta-ros.git
  • bitbake package-name, check output and logs in the poky build tree
  • List package in core-image-elphel393.bb's IMAGE_INSTALL_append


  • Add target-scp and an example empty recipe

ROS2 on PC



  • Switched to installing from a fat archive
  • Terminal setup:
source /path/setup.bash


  • Create a workspace
  • Create some packages inside or clone - they have a vcs tool to clone all repos from a text file.
  • Install colcon
  • Then build with colcon
  • New packages will not get installed anywhere. They live in their folders.
  • To use a package:
source ~/ros2_ws/some-package/install/setup.bash
ros2 pkg list
then run anything in this terminal
  • Python scripts can live anywhere - just run them from that sourced terminal

ROS2 in Docker

docker pull osrf/ros2:bouncy-desktop
docker run -i -t osrf/ros2:bouncy-desktop 
No network, no colcon, no ament...

ROS2 General Notes


  • SROS is Secure ROS or something

Useful links

  • Ament tutorial - build system for new packages
    • works and supported in meta-ros
    • will not work for PC because repo hashes moved on?
  • Colcon tutorial - newest build system for new packages
    • works for PC, even in 16.04
    • not supported in meta-ros (as of 2018/12/07)
    • colcon docs


if you are concerned about latency, like for soft real-time, you can basically tune DDS to be just a UDP blaster. In another scenario you might need something that behaves like TCP, but needs to be more 
tolerant to long dropouts, and with DDS all of these things can be controlled by changing the QoS parameters.

ROS2 Services:

Reference ROS repos


Won't build. More info.