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(Projects structure)
Line 87: Line 87:
* bitbake core-image-elphel393
* bitbake core-image-elphel393
===Projects structure===
===Project structure===
'''Note:''' The recipe and the project sources are in different repos
====in repository====
├── eclipse_project_setup
├── Makefile
├── README.md
├── run_bitbake.sh
├── src
│   ├── init_elphel393
│   ├── init_elphel393.py
│   ├── init_elphel393.sh
│   ├── init_eyesis12.sh
│   ├── init_eyesis_bottom2.sh
│   └── Makefile
====after building====
├── <font color='green'>bitbake-logs -> /.../elphel393/poky/build/tmp/work/cortexa9-neon-poky-linux-gnueabi/init/1_0-60/temp</font>
├── eclipse_project_setup
├── <font color='green'>image -> /.../elphel393/poky/build/tmp/work/cortexa9-neon-poky-linux-gnueabi/init/1_0-60/image</font>
├── Makefile
├── README.md
├── run_bitbake.sh
├── src
│   ├── init_elphel393
│   ├── init_elphel393.py
│   ├── init_elphel393.sh
│   ├── init_eyesis12.sh
│   ├── init_eyesis_bottom2.sh
│   └── Makefile
├── <font color='green'>sysroots -> /home/oleg/GIT/elphel393_fixold/poky/build/tmp/sysroots</font>

Revision as of 16:11, 29 March 2017

Setup environment

Get sources and build default images: Instructions


  • clones all projects
  • rerun to update all repositories - then rebuild with bitbake
  • creates a working copy of projects-default.json - projects.json


  • compares software versions on the 10393 vs current sources
~$ ./check_versions.py root@

Flash vs micro SD

  • micro SD cards work best for development
    • replaceable
    • changes get written to the card, no extra sync required
  • flash works best for a production system:
    • non-replaceable
    • limited write cycles
    • because of overlayfs changes need an extra sync (overlay_sync) and a proper reboot to get written to the flash.

Environment tree

├── bootable-images -> poky/build/tmp/deploy/images/elphel393/ - poky generated boot images
├── fpga-elphel - fpga projects, matching recipes are in meta/meta-elphel393/recipes-core/
│   ├── x359
│   ├── x393
│   └── x393_sata
├── linux-elphel - kernel - a kernel tree with Elphel's sources only - it is merged with the full kernel tree
├── meta - extra recipe layers for poky
│   ├── meta-elphel393 - Elphel's recipes: fpga, device tree, kernel and applications, lots of bbappends
│   ├── meta-ezynq - Elphel's recipes for u-boot
│   ├── meta-openembedded - recipes (like PHP) that were not included in poky 2.0
│   ├── meta-swupdate - swupdate recipes (not yet used)
│   └── meta-xilinx - Xilinx's recipes, help to build kernel and device tree
├── poky - poky tree
│   ├── build
│   │   └── conf
│   │       ├── bblayers.conf - paths to extra layers (generated by setup.py)
│   │       └── local.conf - have a look inside, local configuration (generated by setup.py)
│   └── meta - poky's recipes
├── rootfs-elphel - user applicatons projects and init scripts, matching recipes are found in meta/meta-elphel393/recipes-core/
│   ├── elphel-apps-autocampars - camera parameters manager - setup, store/restore, set default
│   ├── elphel-apps-autoexposure - autoexposure daemon
│   ├── elphel-apps-camogm - recorder program
│   ├── elphel-apps-editconf 
│   ├── elphel-apps-gps - gps receiver application
│   ├── elphel-apps-histograms - histograms
│   ├── elphel-apps-imgsrv - image server
│   ├── elphel-apps-php-extension - php functions, compiled as a php extension (part of php recipe)
│   ├── elphel-apps-tempmon - temperature monitor
│   ├── elphel-init - system init script
│   ├── elphel-udev-rules - udev rules: drive automount
│   ├── elphel-web-393 - web GUIs
│   ├── elphel-web-camvc - main control GUI, ported from 353
│   └── elphel-web-hwmon - hardware monitor
└── tools
    └── elphel-tools-update - useful scripts, e.g. create bootable mmc

Change repository address, branch, hash

  • change uri: edit elphel393/projects.json
  • change hash: edit elphel393/projects.json:
  "master","" <- leave empty to get the latest, add hash to freeze
  • change branch: edit elphel393/poky/build/conf/local.conf
ELPHEL393_branches += "elphel-apps-camogm:framepars"


Add new driver

  • examples in elphel393/linux-elphel/src
    • add new files to the tree
    • do not forget KConfig and Makefiles
    • change kernel config in elphel393_fixold/meta/meta-elphel393/recipes-kernel/linux/config/elphel393.cfg - clean then rebuild the kernel. The cfg file gets copied to the poky's kernel build directory.


create new project

The best reference projects are in elphel393/rootfs-elphel/

  • Place project files to elphel393/rootfs-elphel/
  • Create a recipe in elphel393/meta/meta-elphel393/.../
  • In the recipe set package name - it will go to the rootfs recipe elphel393/meta/meta-elphel393/recipes-core/images/core-image-elphel393.bb
  • bitbake core-image-elphel393

Project structure



Note: The recipe and the project sources are in different repos

in repository

├── eclipse_project_setup
├── Makefile
├── README.md
├── run_bitbake.sh
├── src
│   ├── init_elphel393
│   ├── init_elphel393.py
│   ├── init_elphel393.sh
│   ├── init_eyesis12.sh
│   ├── init_eyesis_bottom2.sh
│   └── Makefile

after building

├── bitbake-logs -> /.../elphel393/poky/build/tmp/work/cortexa9-neon-poky-linux-gnueabi/init/1_0-60/temp
├── eclipse_project_setup
├── image -> /.../elphel393/poky/build/tmp/work/cortexa9-neon-poky-linux-gnueabi/init/1_0-60/image
├── Makefile
├── README.md
├── run_bitbake.sh
├── src
│   ├── init_elphel393
│   ├── init_elphel393.py
│   ├── init_elphel393.sh
│   ├── init_eyesis12.sh
│   ├── init_eyesis_bottom2.sh
│   └── Makefile
├── sysroots -> /home/oleg/GIT/elphel393_fixold/poky/build/tmp/sysroots