Live-CD remastering
Knoppix Live-CD remastering
At present time this software is a beta-testing.
This software for CD remastering is include a lot of DEB-packages (elphel-specific and dependenced), files and scripts. All software is compressed to the .tar.bz2 archive (package size is approx. 26 Mb).
There are two scripts for remastering.
First script ( is general and started by user. Source code:
# Make a clone from existed knoppix live-cd echo "Welcome to KNOPPIX-to-ELPHIX remastering program" part=0 query() { echo -n "$1 [$2] " >&2 read answer if [ -z $answer ] ; then answer=$2 ; fi } # The work directories specifing echo "Stage 1. Now you can specify the work directories and other parameters" if [ part=0 ] then query "Please, specify the work partition. For example, hda1" hda1 part=$answer fi version=`cat debs/version.txt` home=/home/knoppix/LiveCD-$version source0=/dev/$part dest0=/mnt/$part source=$dest0/knxsource dest=$dest0/knxmaster echo "Mounting the work partition..." mount $source0 $dest0 echo "Done" echo "Creating the work directories..." mkdir -p $source/KNOPPIX mkdir -p $dest/KNOPPIX echo "Done" echo "Stage 1 is finished without errors" # The next step - copying files and directories echo "Stage 2. Copying necessary files and directories, preparing the internet connection" # Copying the KNOPPIX directory echo "Copying the KNOPPIX directory. This can take a few minutes. Please, wait..." cp -Rp /KNOPPIX/* $source/KNOPPIX cd /cdrom; find . -size -10000k -type f -exec cp -p --parents '{}' $dest/ \; echo "Done" # Preparing the internet connection echo "Preparing the internet connection" mv $source/KNOPPIX/etc/dhcpc/resolv.conf $source/KNOPPIX/etc/dhcpc/resolv.conf.orig cp /etc/dhcpc/resolv.conf $source/KNOPPIX/etc/dhcpc/resolv.conf echo "Done" echo "Stage 2 is finished without errors" # Removing packages echo "Stage 3. Removing old packages and files. This can take a few minutes. Please, wait..." mkdir -p $source/KNOPPIX/debs cp -Rp $home/debs/* $source/KNOPPIX/debs mkdir -p $source/KNOPPIX/patches cp -Rp $home/patches/* $source/KNOPPIX/patches cp $home/ $source/KNOPPIX/ rm -f $source/KNOPPIX/usr/share/apps/ksplash/Themes/Default/splash_bottom.png rm -f $source/KNOPPIX/usr/share/apps/ksplash/Themes/Default/splash_top.png rm -f $source/KNOPPIX/usr/local/lib/knoppix.jpg rm -f $source/KNOPPIX/usr/bin/ cp -Rp $home/images/* $source/KNOPPIX echo "Done" echo "Stage 3 is finished without errors" # Installing packages echo "Stage 4. Installing the ELPHIX specific packages and patches. This can take a few minutes. Please, wait..." chroot $source/KNOPPIX sh rm -rf $source/KNOPPIX/debs rm -rf $source/KNOPPIX/patches rm -rf $source/KNOPPIX/ echo "Done" echo "Stage 4 is finished without errors" # Fixing the known Knoppix bugs echo "Stage 5. Fixing the known Knoppix bugs" # Fixing the USB-2.0 bug echo "Fixing the USB-2.0 bug in the linuxrc" mv $dest/boot/isolinux/minirt.gz $dest0 cd $dest0 gunzip minirt.gz mkdir -p MRT mount -o loop minirt MRT cd MRT patch < $home/patches/linuxrc.patch cd $dest0 umount MRT gzip minirt mv minirt.gz $dest/boot/isolinux/minirt.gz cd $home echo "Done" echo "Stage 5 is finished without errors" # Copying the sources and files echo "Stage 6. Copying the sources and files, cleaning the filesystem" cp -Rp $home/files/* $dest echo "Done" # Removing the temporary files and cleaning the filesystem echo "Removing the temporary files and cleaning the filesystem" rm $source/KNOPPIX/etc/dhcpc/resolv.conf mv $source/KNOPPIX/etc/dhcpc/resolv.conf.orig $source/KNOPPIX/etc/dhcpc/resolv.conf rm -rf $source/KNOPPIX/.rr_moved rm -rf $source/KNOPPIX/etc/bacula rm -rf $source/KNOPPIX/var/lib/bacula rm -rf $source/KNOPPIX/etc/brltty rm -rf $source/KNOPPIX/var/games rm -rf $source/KNOPPIX/usr/share/emacs21 rm -rf $source/KNOPPIX/usr/share/games/frozen-bubble rm -rf $source/KNOPPIX/usr/share/fonts/wine rm -rf $dest0/MRT echo "Done" echo "Stage 6 is finished without errors" # Creating the ISO-file KNOPPIX echo "Stage 7. Creating the ELPHIX compressed image. This can take a few minutes or hours. You can drink coffee, read the book, sleep etc. In any case, please, wait..." mkisofs -R -U -V " filesystem" -publisher "Elphel,Inc." -hide-rr-moved -cache-inodes -no-bak -pad $source/KNOPPIX | nice -5 /usr/bin/create_compressed_fs -b - 65536 > $dest/KNOPPIX/KNOPPIX echo "Done" # Creating the ISO-image LiveCD Knoppix echo "Creating the ISO-image LiveCD ELPHIX. This can take a few minutes. Please, wait..." cd $dest mkisofs -pad -l -r -J -v -V "ELPHIX-$version" -no-emul-boot -boot-load-size 4 -boot-info-table -b boot/isolinux/isolinux.bin -c boot/isolinux/ -hide-rr-moved -o $dest0/ELPHIX-$version.iso $dest echo "Done" echo "Stage 7 is finished without errors" echo "Congratulations! The remastering is finished. ELPHIX-$version is ready for burning. You can find the ISO-image of ELPHIX-$version on the $dest0 partition. Good luck!"
The second script ( is started by the first script automatically and used for removing/installing DEB-packages. Source code:
# Sub-script for removing and installing packages ping -c 5 dpkg -P `cat /debs/remove-debs` rm -rf /etc/mozilla-firefox/profile/mimeTypes.rdf dpkg -i --force-overwrite /debs/depend/*.deb dpkg -i --force-overwrite /debs/*.deb cd /etc/X11/Xsession.d patch < /patches/45xsession.patch cd /etc/init.d patch < /patches/knoppix-autoconfig.patch cd /etc/skel/.kde/share/config patch < /patches/kdesktoprc.patch exit
System Requirements
You must have:
1. at least 1 GB of FREE RAM+Swap total (e.g. 256M ram, and 750M swap AVAILABLE)
2. 3 GB free on a Linux filesystem (ext2/3, xfs, etc.) formatted disk partition (you must unmount this partition before remastering)
3. Knoppix 4.0.2-2005-09-23 EN
1. Download the LiveCD-1.4.3-beta1.tar.bz2 archive from SourceForge
2. Boot from the Knoppix CD
3. Unpack archive to the /home/knoppix directory
4. Open a root shell:
Menu: Kmenu->Knoppix->Root Shell
5. Type the following two commands:
cd /home/knoppix/LiveCD-1.4.3 sh
6. The remastering script will be started. You must specify the work partition (for example hda1). This partition will be used for remastering Knoppix.
NOTE: This partition MUST be unmounted!
7. Follow the appeared instructions
8. The ELPHIX-1.4.3.ISO image will be placed at the work partition
9. Use the special software (for example, K3B) for writing image to CD