Elphel Software Kit for Ubuntu

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Revision as of 10:26, 21 October 2008 by Polto (talk | contribs)
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Packages requirement for Ubuntu

Tested on Kubuntu 8.0.4.

For developers:

Minimal packages:

sudo apt-get install cvs build-essential autoconf flex byacc bison libglib2.0-dev tcl gettext libncurses5-dev patch zlib1g-dev nfs-kernel-server bash

Suggested packages:

sudo apt-get install minicom firefox graphviz doxygen kdevelop ctags cervisia

Download and install Cris-GCC compiler:

wget http://www.axis.com/ftp/pub/axis/tools/cris/compiler-kit/cris-dist-linux-headers-1.64.tar.gz   
wget http://www.axis.com/ftp/pub/axis/tools/cris/compiler-kit/cris-dist-linux-headersv32-1.64.tar.gz  
wget http://www.axis.com/ftp/pub/axis/tools/cris/compiler-kit/cris-dist-glibc-1.64.tar.gz 
wget http://www.axis.com/ftp/pub/axis/tools/cris/compiler-kit/cris-dist-1.64.tar.gz
tar zxvf cris-dist-1.64.tar.gz
cd cris-dist-1.64/
tar zxvf ../cris-dist-linux-headers-1.64.tar.gz                                 
tar zxvf ../cris-dist-linux-headersv32-1.64.tar.gz                             
tar zxvf ../cris-dist-glibc-1.64.tar.gz                                         
sudo ./install-cris-tools

answer by default (enter, enter, ...)

Get elphel353_install_from_cvs.sh script and execute it.

Elphel SDK

We provide our clients with a complete SDK to develop software, FPGA code and even to redesign the hardware.


  •  PHP API



  • Varicad (demo)


  • iverilog
  • GTKWave

Developing for Elphel 353 camera:

The camera sources are in:


to compile from CVS do:

cd ~/353/elphel353/
make update

You can find more information on how to compile and add new software on Etrax FS CPU here: [1]


This DVD is based on KUbuntu 7.04. I will work on upgrading our distribution.

I think it should be useful to debianize all our software (ElphelOgm, GenRes, MPlayer, ...) Like what we will be able to use Launchpad PPA https://edge.launchpad.net/~elphel-live to build our Ubuntu packages as i tried on : https://edge.launchpad.net/~polto/+archive I have here a working MPlayer what can be installed by Sinaptic (the user-friendly way) just after adding my personal package repository to your sources.

So any Ubuntu user will be able to upgrade to our MPlayer, install ElphelSrv, ...

After what we can make some theme packages with backgrounds etc and generate a DVD with everything installed.

Next step: ElphelLive DVD & Ubuntu packages

In order to prepare the next release of Ubuntu based LiveDVD we now use Launchpad PPA.

You can already test some packages on my personal PPA: https://edge.launchpad.net/~polto/+archive

For this you need to add this two lines to your /etc/apt/sources.list:

deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/polto/ubuntu gutsy main universe multiverse
deb-src http://ppa.launchpad.net/polto/ubuntu gutsy main universe multiverse

and do:

apt-get update; apt-get install elphel-ogm mplayer vlc

Please do not hesitate to post me comments or to discuss in discussion area any kind of ideas for our PPA packages.