In my board 10332 use this net 1. EXT_SCL - MISO 2. EXT_SDA - MOSI 3. EXT_RST - RESET 4. EXT_CLK - XTAL1 5. EXT_EXPOS - SCK
Your dauther board is incompatible with too. Ok.
In your shematic we can get high speed 12Mbps USB, but for programming lens control board, need to set jumper. May be use single gate logic from Texace Instrument for generate #RESET for the lens control board combination of nets #OE and Vpo. When #OE set to high level, the USB transiever is shutdown, when Vpo set to high level logic gate generate #RESET for our lens control board. We may use for example SN74AUP1G00 from Texace Instrument.
Master is the CPU board, MOSI (Master Output, Slave Input), but you connect MOSI net to INPUT pin in the CPU. The serial1 pins is not two directional, it is unidirectional, see datasheet of the CPU.
master Wensai CPU out SCK RXD1 T17 in out MOSI CTS1 V19 in in MISO TXD1 U19 out
I think this connections is correct
master CPU loop out SCK RTS1 W20 out out MOSI TXD1 U19 out * in MISO RXD1 T17 in
via external single gate element connect out MOSI with in MISO for two-direction 1-Wire protocol and for shutdown the loopback when lens board is programming mode.(SN74AUP1G126).
You can see your shematic with my bugfix follow