Eyesis4Pi Panorama Previewer
From ElphelWiki
This WebUI made for previewing unstitched Eyesis4Pi footage - JP4s or JPEGs. It can be used for selecting panoramas - if all the panoramas are to be processed than using it is not necessary. Here's an example of previewing the footage.
- Linux OS (Kubuntu preferably).
- Apache2 web server.
- ImageMagick - convert.
- Movie2dng
- Dcraw (by 3rd party) - for converting JPEGs
- libjpeg - cjpeg
Available for direct downloading from the SourceForge.net or from a terminal window provided GIT client is installed:
git clone git://elphel.git.sourceforge.net/gitroot/elphel/panorama_preview
User Guide
- Download the source files.
- Make sure that the tmp folder has R/W rights for everyone.
- Install the required software.
- Create a link from the web server root path to the source folder.