"Да, насчет "серьезного" использования MPlayer - у него есть серьезный недостаток - он не умеет показывать и писать одновременно, а использовать в параллели запущенные MPlayer и MEncoder для этих целей, IMHO, не лучший вариант." - Spectr
I believe Mplayer is working good for us and it is an active and well-maintained project. We base our AJAX camerea interface on the Mplaer plugin and I see no reasons to switch to something different.
As for requirement to view and record - I don't think it is needed and even very useful - normally all the full frame rate/full resolution video should be recorded (possibly on a different computer) but only some data should go on screen realtime (reduced resolution, window, frame rate). On the other hand we may need to have simplier recorder than mplayer - just to record the stream without any re-coding, but use less resources and better handle long files and multiple streams. --Andrey.filippov 18:09, 23 November 2005 (CST)