Pricing/Discount/Donation Policy
Our public prices are here
Quantity discount
We do provide some
GPL Discount
We provide a 100 USD GPL discount on Elphel hardware to any company / developer who do GNU/GPL development with our camera. This development may be:
- a software running on camera's GNU/Linux - a FPGA code - a PC software running on different platform (Window/Linux/OS X) to work with our camera - a hardware development
The GPL discount will be available once you have completed the following items:
GPL agreement
The GPL agreement state what all your development will be released under GNU GPL license and describe the collaboration process.
Project Road map & deadlines
The project Road map & deadlines should be posted on our wiki in Research section or mail it to us if it is confidential yes ( as it's an GPL project it will anyway go public one day)
Free of charge camera for developers
We usually have one camera per month that we can provide to developers free of charge. If you have an interesting project in mind - try convincing us that it qualifies.
To do what you should complete the GPL agreement and the Project Road map & deadlines.