My name is Stefan de Konink, I live in The Netherlands and study Artificial Intelligence at the University of Amsterdam. Almost heading for writing a MSc thesis. I noticed Elphel years ago when they first made an implementation of Theora in hardware. Later I found that they made cameras that also did Geo. Personally I would really like to have a professional still camera that is able to be scripted. Canon is a solution for that, but annoying as I am... all my lenses are Nikon based ;)
I'm active in the OpenStreetMap community and because of adding GPS features our project OSMCAM is selection to get a 'free' developer camera there is work to do. At this page I'll keep a diary what I am doing so my conscious is clean and I'm really using this device in a way that it has been offered to me.
- DONE Getting the etrax toolkit to work
- Gentoo embedded... (yeah right!)
- DONE Cherokee
- DONE Implement calibration
- AJAX Compass + Calibration
- Making some use-cases for the GPS tools and interface