Buffer monitor
From ElphelWiki
The program monitors and displays 3 camera parameters QUALITY,FRAME_SIZE and (FREECIRCBUF/CIRCBUFSIZE)*100% over time measured in frames.
How it works
- The "buffer_monitor" - a C program that runs as a daemon in the camera. It saves the monitored values in a log file ("/usr/html/var/buffer_monitor.log")
- There's also a PHP program "/usr/html/buffer_monitor.php" on the camera that can launch/stop the "buffer_monitor" application.
- In the user's PC web server ("/var/www") there are "elphel_buffer_monitor.html" and "elphel_buffer_monitor.php" that provide control and display the log file as a chart (using the flot).
- The camera part is installed with the firmware (starting with - should be downloaded/checked out from the CVS and built from 'scratch')
- Get flot. Extract the content to the web server folder (the result will look like "/var/www/flot")
- The PC part can be downloaded/checked out from the CVS. Copy all the files to the PC's web server folder ("/var/www").