Q and A

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About Q&A page

This is a page to ask questions about Elphel cameras and software that they run. Feel free to ask here if you are OK to register and check "I am a human" checkbox when saving the edited page. We'll try to answer your questions promptly.--Andrey.filippov 17:56, 22 February 2008 (CST)

 DHCP server on the cam 

Hello, I have a question about the best way to set up the camera as a server, to assign IP's to clients that access the camera. Our application is in a medical lab, where the camera is looking at Petri dishes. The clients will access the camera, to execute a vision based system which determines antibiotic sensitivities for bacteria.

I could run the camera through a wireless router, and have the router assign IP's to the clients. Would it be simple to install a dhcp daemon on the camera to serve incoming requests?

Thank you,

Per Bj. Bro

  • I think the quickest way is to compile DNSMasq for Etrax (udhcpd is not installed by default), this will give you all what your 'clients' want. DNS, DHCP, etc. If you want more info just reply here or come to IRC. --Skinkie 22:08, 29 March 2009 (CDT)
  •  You can also enable udhcp server in busybox. Just go to elphel_installation_tree/elphel353/apps/busybox-1.13.3 , execute "make menuconfig" and select udhcp server under "Networking Utilities". --Alexandre.Poltorak 01:21, 30 March 2009 (CDT)