333 File System

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Elphel Model 333 Camera File Systems

Camera has 3 file systems, you may browse them http://<camera_ip>/admin-bin/editcgi.cgi?file=/ One of these FS use camera system memory, two others - flash.


This is a readonly file system (compressed) that is written only when the whole flash memory is updated using flashit utility.


This is a file system that uses a part of the system SDRAM (RAM-disk), it is fast, mounted with both read and write access but everything in it disappears when the power is disconnected.

This FS is mounted as /var, there is a simlink to /var/html so you may ftp temporary web pages there (i.e. /var/html/your_web_page.html) and they will appear as http://camera_ip/var/your_web_page.html