AVLD - Another Video Loopback Device

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AVLD is a video loopback device for GNU-Linux, written by Pierre Parent and licensed under GPL.

With AVLD you can use Elphel cameras for image acquisition in v4l compatible applications, video conferencing, etc

Video is playing smoothly on a 2.4Ghz dual core notebook at 25fps in 1440x896,

and CPU usage is 'only' 20-25% per core

I could not test beyond the screen and the specific camera/sensor capabilities :)

Accessing Elphel camera streams through a v4l device (eg: /dev/video0)

After loading the AVLD module:

modprobe avld width=1440 height=896 fps=0

You just have to feed the video device:

mencoder rtsp:// -nosound -ovc raw -vf format=bgr24 -of rawvideo -o /dev/video0

(or /dev/video1 if you had already another video device driver loaded before)

And you can play the stream for testing:

mplayer tv:// -tv driver=v4l:device=/dev/video0:outfmt=rgb24 -cache 8192 -vo xv

You can change the device parameters when module is already loaded with:

echo "width=800 height=600 fps=0" > /dev/video0

AVLD homepage: http://allonlinux.free.fr/Projets/AVLD/