Apertus.ElphelVision Install Guide

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This guide explains how to install ElphelVision on your Elphel camera and a computer running Ubuntu connected to your camera over Ethernet.

This guide assumes that you have successfully downloaded the required files.


FTP Transfer

Use an FTP client of choice (eg. Filezilla) and connect to your Elphel camera.

Default IP:
User: root / PW: pass

Upload the complete "ElphelVision" directory in "elphel/Apertus/camera www/" to the "/mnt/flash/html/" directory of your Elphel camera

You can test if everything worked properly by opening a browser and going to:  (replace with your Elphel cameras IP). 

If you get lots of xml output installation was successful.

Running ElphelVision


Java JRE (Java Runtime Environment)

either OpenJDK:

sudo apt-get install openjdk-6-jre-headless

or the Official Java JRE from Sun/Oracle:

first enable the "Canonical Partners" Software Source

sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jre

You can have both of them installed side-by-side

Just installing new Java flavours does not change the default Java pointed to by /usr/bin/java. You must explicitly set this:

To see the current configuration and possibilities:

sudo update-java-alternatives -l 

To set the XXX java version as default.

sudo update-java-alternatives -s XXXX 

For Sun Java 6 this would be

sudo update-java-alternatives -s java-6-sun

To ensure that the correct version is being called:

java -version 


Careful: Ubuntu maintained software channel might be outdated, check: http://www.videolan.org/vlc/download-ubuntu.html for a guide how to get a recent version

Permission and & Run

Change the permissions of the ElphelVision.sh to enable execution.

Open a terminal and run
