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ccam cgi (source - ccam.c)

* _time=t (ms) will try to set current system time (if it was not set already. _stime - will always set)
* if any of html, htmlr, htmll or htmlj are present will genmerate html page instead of an image
* html= not present)- picture as before (or vrml)
*       0 - nothing
*       1 - all sensor parameters as javaScript
*       2 - all sensor parameters as html
*       3 - beam data as javaScript
*       4 - beam data as html
*       5 - state (5 -picture ready) as javaScript
*       6 - state (5 -picture ready) as html
*       7 - start image acquisition (option "s" or "t" should be present)
*       8 - reset waiting for trigger
*      10 - all sensor parameters as XML
*      11 - beam data as XML
*      12 - state (5 -picture ready) as XML
*      13 - start image acquisition (option "s" or "t" should be present), return XML
*      14 - reset waiting for trigger, return XML
* htmlr=n - Refresh each n seconds
* htmll=(escape) - command executed onLoad in <body> tag
* htmlj=(escape) - include *.js javaScript file
* vrmld - decimation to make a grid (>=8 for full frame) (default = 16)
* vrmlb - number of individual blocks in each x/y (default=2)
* vrmlm - maximal pixel. 1023 - full scale, less - increase contrast, 0 - automatic (default =1023)
* vrmli - indentation (default=1)
* vrmlf - format - 0 - integer, 1 - one digit after "." (default 0)
* vrmll - number of countours to build (default = 32)
* vrmlo - options for isolines - e - elevated, f - flat (default=ef)
* vrmlz - 0..9 output (gzip) compression level (0 - none, 1 - fastest, default - 6, best -9)
* fpns  - 0..3 fpga background subtraction:
*               0 - none,
*               1 (fine) - subtract 8-bit FPN from 10-bit pixel
*               2 - multiply FPN by 2 before subtracting
*               3 - multiply FPN by 4 before subtracting (full scale)
*       note:   negative result is replaced by 0, decrease FPN data before applying for "fat 0"
* fpnm  -       muliply by inverse sensitivity (sensitivity correction) mode:
*               0 - no correction
*               1 - fine (+/- 12.5%)
*               2 - medium (+/- 25%)
*               3 - maximal (+/- 50%)
* pc - pseudo color string. Applies to monochrome images and vrml
* any of vrml* specified - vrml instead of a picture/html
* background measurement/subtraction will (now) work only with 10-bit images
* gd = "digital gain" 0..5 (software)
* iq = 0..100 - jpeg quality, "-1" - BMP non-compressed, "-2" - BMP RLE compressed
* byr =0..3 Overwite Bayer phase shift, =4 - use calculated by driver.

* vw - virtual frame width
* vh - virtual frame height
* wl = 0..1288 - left
* wt = 0..1032 - top
* ww = 1..1288 - width
* wh = 1..1032 - height
* pfh - photofinish mode strip height (0 - normal mode, not photofinish). In this mode each frame will consist of multiple
        pfh-high horizontal (camera should be oriented 90 deg. to make vertical) strips, and no extra lines will be added to the frames
        for demosaic
        for now: +65536 - timestamp for normal frames, +131072 - timestamps for photo-finish mode
* ts  - time stamp mode: 0 - none, 1 - in upper-left corner, 2 - added to the right of the image (photo-finish mode)        
* fsd - frame sync delay (in lines) from the beginning of a frame (needed in photofinish mode - 3 lines?)
* dh = 1 2 4  - decimation horizontal (both) MT9T001 dh= 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8
* dv - decimation vertical MT9T001 dv= 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8
* bh - binning horizontal or both (MT9T001 - 1<bh<=dh<=8, has some on-chip problems)
* bv - binning vertical (MT9T001 - 1<bh<=dh<=8, has some on-chip problems)
* bit - pixel depth (10/4/8)
* shl - shift left (FPGA in 8 and 4-bit modes) - obsolete
* clk - MCLK divisor - 80MHz/(2..129) - obsolete?
* fclk - 0-127 - fpga (compressor) clock (MHz)
* sclk - 0-127 - sensor clock (MHz) - will be limited by sensor driver
* xtra - number of pixel-cycles needed for compressor between frames - debugging only
* gr = 0..63 - analog gain red (or mono)
* gg = 0..63 - analog gain green (or green-"red" line)
* gb = 0..63 - analog gain blue
* ggb = 0..63 - analog gain green ("blue" line - ZR32212 only)
* bg  = n - calculate background 1-2-4..16 times (does not need option s/t/v)
* parameters for "instant on" quicktime
* qfr = n - number of frames to send in a quicktime clip
* qpad	= % to leave for the frame size to grow (initial size 1-st frame * (100- 1.5*qpad)/100
* qdur = frame duration in 1/600 of a second
* parameters for quicktime clips (send after shooting)
* qsz = n - clip size in KB (w/o headers) (<=0 will use "instant on") - will be obsolete
* qcmd= (mandatory for videoclip)
   1 - start constant compression of all acquired frames
   2 - stop constant compression.
   3 - acquire the whole buffer and stop
   4 - read movie from buffer
   6 (and 5?) - stop, then read
   7 - acquire buffer, then read
* qts = t - playback time/real time
* gam=gamma - gamma correction (gamma value 0.13..10)
* pxl=00  lowest pixel value (on 8-bit scale) before table to be mapped to zero output value
* pxh=255 hioghest pixel value (on 8-bit scale) before table to be mapped to 255 output value

* fps= xx.xx - desired fps (will process to decimals)
* hist=n - read frame from "history" applies only to rereading from memory after acquisition of a clipю
       n<=0 - from the end of clip (0 - last), n>0 - from the start (1 - first)
* e = 0..60000 - exposure (1 msec step)
* csb= 0..710 - color saturation blue (%)
* csr= 0..562 - color saturation red (%)

hl - histogram top  (all histogram parameters will be made even by truncating, all written derectly to FPGA - no shadows yet)
ht - histogram left
hw - histogram width
hh - histogram height 
	if ((vp=paramValue(gparams, "csb")))		ioctl(devfd, _CCCMD(CCAM_WPARS ,  P_COLOR_SATURATION_BLUE ), strtol (vp,&cp,10));

if ((vp=paramValue(gparams, "csr"))) ioctl(devfd, _CCCMD(CCAM_WPARS , P_COLOR_SATURATION_RED ), strtol (vp,&cp,10));

* opt = string of 1-character options:
*   h - use hardware compression
*   c - color mode
*   x - flip x
*   y - flip y
*   p - test pattern (ramp)
*   f - test pattern (ramp) fpga
*   b - buffer file
*   m - restart exposure after sending
*   if none of "st" is present - "reload mode" (all but iq and gd ignored)
*   s - software trigger
*   t - external trigger
*   v - video mode - will be obsolete soon (for now will only tell it is not "reload")
*   g - use background image  - will be obsolete
*   q - sent quicktime movie
*   u - updates (some) parameters "on the fly", returns 1x1 pix dummy image
*   * - unlock "in use"