Compile Mplayer For Using With Video API

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You can take the MPlayer and ffmpeg source codes at the address:

Also it is necessary to download the source code of LiveMedia:

Compile the LiveMedia code:

$./genMakefiles linux

To copy into directory with unpacked MPlayer source code the next directories from ffmpeg package: libavformat, libavcodec, libavutil.

The next step - you must configure MPlayer before compilation. You should specify the prefixes which are necessary for enabling the LiveMedia code. This command can to look as:

$./configure --with-livelibdir=/home/mai/prj/live --enable-live

Now compile:


If compilation is done without errors, in the current directory will be created the executable files mplayer and mencoder. You can install MPlayer and all users will can to use it (you must have the root privileges for this operation):

#make install