Elphel Software Kit for Ubuntu

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Revision as of 05:16, 22 October 2008 by Polto (talk | contribs) (Release)
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For developers

Tested on Kubuntu 8.0.4.

Install needed packages

Minimal packages:

sudo apt-get install cvs build-essential autoconf flex byacc bison libglib2.0-dev tcl gettext libncurses5-dev patch zlib1g-dev nfs-kernel-server bash

Suggested packages:

sudo apt-get install minicom firefox graphviz doxygen kdevelop ctags cervisia

Download and install Cris-GCC compiler:

wget http://www.axis.com/ftp/pub/axis/tools/cris/compiler-kit/cris-dist-linux-headers-1.64.tar.gz   
wget http://www.axis.com/ftp/pub/axis/tools/cris/compiler-kit/cris-dist-linux-headersv32-1.64.tar.gz  
wget http://www.axis.com/ftp/pub/axis/tools/cris/compiler-kit/cris-dist-glibc-1.64.tar.gz 
wget http://www.axis.com/ftp/pub/axis/tools/cris/compiler-kit/cris-dist-1.64.tar.gz
tar zxvf cris-dist-1.64.tar.gz
cd cris-dist-1.64/
tar zxvf ../cris-dist-linux-headers-1.64.tar.gz                                 
tar zxvf ../cris-dist-linux-headersv32-1.64.tar.gz                             
tar zxvf ../cris-dist-glibc-1.64.tar.gz                                         
sudo ./install-cris-tools

answer by default (enter, enter, ...)

Configure your NFS server

Let's say you want to configure an NFS server on your machine and your IP address is

Edit /etc/exports file with your favorite editor. Here I use nano.

sudo nano -w /etc/exports

Add at the end of the file:

/nfs  ,sync)

save the file.

If it does not yet exist make /nfs directory and make it world writable to make it possible to write logs from the camera.

sudo mkdir /nfs
sudo chmod 777 -R /nfs

And finally export the filesystem.

sudo exportfs -a

Install sources of Elphel camera


Get elphel353_install_from_cvs.sh script and execute it.



  • get one of the elphel353-7.1 or elphel353-8.0 releases
  • decompress the archive
  • execute the ./install_elphel script

Elphel SDK

We provide our clients with a complete SDK to develop software, FPGA code and even to redesign the hardware.


KDevelop IDE

FPGA Development in Elphel cameras