Eyesis4Pi Panorama Previewer

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This WebUI made for previewing unstitched Eyesis4Pi footage - JP4s or JPEGs. It can be used for selecting panoramas - if all the panoramas are to be processed than using it is not necessary. Here's an example of previewing the footage.

Previewer snapshot. 24 head sensors



Available for direct downloading from the SourceForge.net or from a terminal window provided GIT client is installed:

git clone git://elphel.git.sourceforge.net/gitroot/elphel/panorama_preview

User Guide


  • Download the source files.
  • Make sure that the tmp folder has R/W rights for everyone.
  • Install the required software.
  • Create a link from the web server root path to the source folder.
  • Have the footage at /data/footage/FOOTAGE_NAME.
  • Extract a KML file from the Footage Procedures page.


  • Select the footage series in the Choose Date drop down menu.
  • Use map and Image number for navigation.
  • Use copy button to move the selected preview to the processing directory.