Eyesis Panorama Database

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Revision as of 03:30, 25 August 2011 by OneArtPlease (talk | contribs) (Array GetNodesByRoute($RouteID))
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This project contains a set of PHP functions and requires a MySQL database. It is a framework for storing, accessing and altering a large set of geotagged panorama images in a database. This simplifies the process of building Streetview-like panorama viewers.



git clone git://elphel.git.sourceforge.net/gitroot/elphel/miscellaneous/  miscellaneous

The Panorama Database code is located inside the miscellaneous/Pano_DB/ directory

Direct Download



MySQL DB Structure

Nodes Table:

TimeStampMilliseconds //  Since MySQL's own timestamp format is accurate only down to 1 second we store Milliseconds in a separate field
Panorama URL
Visibility3D -  list of ranges [from,to] - which nodes are visible from the current one. from, to are both relative to the current node, so merging several segments should not break visibility (not so easy in the map that is not linear path, but we'll think of something  - adding new nodes (importing KML) should not change the relative sequence of indices (kml "name" tag).

Routes Table:


Nodes_Routes Table:


PHP Methods

The following functions are already working.

The return value type is put in front of the function (C-like Systax, even though it does not exist in that way in PHP which this framework is written in)

Array GetNodeData (int $ID)

Returns all database fields of a specific Node ID as array

Return value

On success: Returns the Node data as array with the following fields:


On an error:

$return['error'] = "ID not found";

Array GetRouteData (int $ID)

Returns all database fields of a specific Route ID as array

Return value

On success: Returns the Route data as array with the following fields:


On an error:

$return['error'] = "ID not found";

Array GetRoutes ()

Returns all Routes with Nodes associated and the location of their first Node

Return value

On success: Returns all Routes with Nodes associated and the location of their first Node

$return[$index]['Nodes'] // Number of Nodes in this Route

On an error: empty Array

Int/Array AddNode (Array $Data)

Save a new Node to the DB supplying the following database fields:


Return value

On success:

Returns the ID of the newly created Node

On an error:

$return['error'] = "Entry with same Coordinates already exists";

Int/Array AddRoute (Array $Data)

Save a new Route to the DB supplying the following database fields:

Return value

On success:

Returns the ID of the newly created Route

On an error:

$return['error'] = "Entry already exists";

Int GetNodeCount($RouteID = null)

Returns the number of Nodes stored in the DB, if you supply a $RouteID parameter you get the number of Nodes associated with a specific Route.

Return value

On success:

Number of Nodes

Array AddNodeToRoute (int $NodeID, int $RouteID)

Adds one Node to a Route. Both have to exist already.

Return value

On success:

$return['success'] = "done";

On an error:

$return['error'] = "Route with supplied ID does not exist";
$return['error'] = "Node with supplied ID does not exist";
$return['error'] = "Entry already exists";

Array ImportKML (String $KMLfile, int $RouteID)

Works just like AddNode but can import a high number of nodes with a single function - read from a KML file, if you supply a RouteID all new Nodes will automatically be added to an existing route.

Return value

On success:

$return['success'] = "done";
$return['Entries'] // Number of entries imported from the KML

On an error:


Float/Array GetNodeDistance ($Node1ID, $Node1ID)

Returns the distance between 2 nodes in metres.

To calculate this distance assume that the 2 Nodes have no big altitude difference and calculate the distance based on their longitude and latitude on the earth sphere surface.

Return value

On success:

distance in meters as Float

On an error:

$return['error'] = "Node 1: ".$node1['error'];
$return['error'] = "Node 1: ".$node2['error'];

Array GetNodesAt ($LatMin, $LatMax, $LongMin, $LongMax, $Limit = 100)

Find an array of nodes that are in the area of the supplied coordinates (LatMin, LatMax, LongMin, LongMax). To prevent a huge number of results there is the limit parameter with a default value of 100. The results are not returned in a particular order.

Return value

On success:

Array of Nodes

On an error (no Nodes found in the specified area):

empty Array

Array GetNodesByRoute($RouteID)

Returns all Nodes associated with a Route ordered by the routes_nodes 'order' column in a multidimensional array

The Array index is the order value!

Return value

On success:

Array of Nodes

On an error:

$return['error'] = "Route with ID: ".$RouteID." not found";

Array DeleteRoute($RouteID)

Delete a Route and all Nodes associated with it.

Return value

On success:

$return['success'] = "done";
$return['entries'] // number of deleted associated Nodes

On an error:

$return['error'] = "Route with RouteID: ".$RouteID." does not exist";

Array DeleteNode($NodeID)

Delete a single Node

Return value

On success:

$return['success'] = "done";

On an error:

$return['error'] = "Entry with NodeID: ".$NodeID." does not exist";

Array RemoveNodeFromRoute($NodeID, $RouteID)

Removes a Node from a Route, does not delete the actual Node, just removes the relationship between Route and this Node.

Since this function is intended for clean-up it does not check if the Node or Route to delete still exists.

Return value

On success:

$return['success'] = "done";

On an error:

$return['error'] = "Entry with NodeID: ".$NodeID." and RouteID: ".$RouteID." does not exist";

Array UpdateNode($Parameters[])

This function can be used to edit existing Node data. The Node has to exist already.

The parameter has to be an array with the following fields:

$Parameters['ID'] = 1;

The ID field is mandatory to identify which Node to edit, all the following fields are optional:

$Parameters['Name'] = "changed";
$Parameters['Description'] = "changed";
$Parameters['Longitude'] = "0";
$Parameters['Latitude'] = "0";
$Parameters['Timestamp'] = "0";
$Parameters['TimeStampMilliseconds'] = "0";
$Parameters['Altitude'] = "0";
$Parameters['Heading'] = "0";
$Parameters['Tilt'] = "0";
$Parameters['Roll'] = "0";
$Parameters['PanoramaURL'] = "changed";
$Parameters['Visibility3D'] = "changed";

Note that fields like "OriginalDataLongitude" or "OriginalDataRoll" cannot be overwritten.

Return value

On success:

$return['success'] = "done";

On an error:

$return['error'] = "Node with ID: ".$Parameters['ID']." not found";

Array UpdateRoute($Parameters)

This function can be used to edit existing Route data. The Route has to exist already.

The parameter has to be an array with the following fields:

$Parameters['ID'] = 1;

The ID field is mandatory to identify which Route to edit, all the following fields are optional:

$Parameters['Name'] = "changed";
$Parameters['Description'] = "changed";

Return value

On success:

$return['success'] = "done";

On an error:

$return['error'] = "Route with ID: ".$Parameters['ID']." not found";

Int GetNodeIDbyImageFileName($RouteID, $Filename)

Returns the ID of the Node with $Filename in 'PanoramaURL' coloumn of the Route with $RouteID. This assumes that the $Filename still contains the timestamp from the original recording and therefore is unique to this Route.

Return value

On success:

ID as integer

On an error:

$return['error'] = "no results";

String CreateKMLEntry($NodeData)

Creates one "<PhotoOverlay>...</PhotoOverlay>" entry with all children required as a KML structured string with the provided $NodeData

Return value

On success:

KML entry as String

On an error:



Outputs (prints) a full KML file with header. Containing $kml as KML content.

Works well together with CreateKMLEntry(), example:

PrintKML(CreateKMLEntry(GetNodeData(1))); // Print KML of Node 1

or print all KML entries of an entire Route

$RouteData = GetNodesByRoute(1);
$kml = "";
foreach ($RouteData as $Node) {
  $kml .= CreateKMLEntry($Node);

Return value

On success:


On an error:



int GetNextNodeinRoute (int $NodeID)

Routes are a sequence of nodes, The order is set by an "order" field in the routes_nodes table. Next node means higher order value.

int GetPreviousNodeinRoute (int $NodeID)

Routes are a sequence of nodes, The order is set by an "order" field in the routes_nodes table. Previous node means lower order value.


Node One full 360 degree panorama with metadata.

Route Sequence of multiple panoramas

Tile A panorama image is split up into multiple tiles for performance reasons.

Process Definitions

Upload of panorama images

  1. upload all images to an "upload" directory via FTP/SSH/etc.
  2. you start the import script by providing a KML
  3. the PHP script moves one image after the other to a different folder with NodeID as folder name for example and adds it to the DB
  4. the PHP script deletes the KML or does not save it at all in the first place


KML file format example

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<kml xmlns="http://earth.google.com/kml/2.2">
                        <v3Range><to>15</to></v3Range> // (no "from") means "from -infinity to +35" - this is not a distance but means from all nodes before until +15 nodes in the sequence