Eyesis workflow

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The following page describes the Eyesis camera post-processing procedures.

Elphel-Eyesis GUI (Graphical User Interface)

Elpehl-Eyesis GUI (PHP+JavaScript+HTML) is installed on the laptop and used for controlling the Eyesis camera.

Eyesis Output

  • Each frame in a *.mov file is a combination of frames from 3 sensors glued vertically - triplet.
  • The modules are numbered - 1..8 - having individual ip address:
  • - master camera, sends sync signals to others.
  • The frames in *.movs are indexed.
  • A single image format is JP4 (a raw format with a higher quality and frame rate than *.jpeg).
  • Corresponding frames have the same time stamps generated by the master camera.
  • The master camera frames are geotagged.
  • The IMU log is stored on 1 of the 2 Compact Flash cards (non-removable) attached to the master camera.


Elphel Eyesis SDK software (pre-installed), for post-processing:

sudo apt-get install apache2 php5 ufraw dcraw libjpeg-progs imagemagick hugin
  • Apache web server + php
  • Movie2DNG - extracting JP4 (JP4 is the Elphel raw image format) images from *.MOVs.
  • ImageJ (by 3rd party) - ImageJ with Elphel plugins (image quality enhancement, aberration correction, color balance, stitching) for processing JP4s to create TIFF/JPEG output;
  • ImageMagick # (by 3rd party), also with a PHP scrip by Elphel is used for converting/modifying panorama JPEGs - scaling for WebGL panorama viewer/editor;
  1. other pre-installed PHP scripts:
    • exif2kml.php - extract the GPS data from images and put it all to a KML file of the route.
    • create_links_xml_file.php - read the KML file and create file with records-links of the route points. It is used in Elphel WebGL Viewer


  • Ufraw (by 3rd party) - to view/process DNG/TIFF
  • Dcraw (by 3rd party) - for converting JPEGs
  • cjpeg
Verify installation

In a terminal window type & enter commands ("command not found" == not installed):

cjpeg --help

Post processing workflow

  • Copy all the *.mov files to certain locations (folders must have the r/w rights enabled for everyone):
hdd1: /data/disk-1/<footage_name>/
hdd8: /data/disk-8/<footage_name>/
  •<footage_name> - (usage TBA) - it applies Movie2DNG to all the footage files. The output is JP4 files.
  •<footage_name> - it extracts the GPS data from images and puts it all to a KML file of the route. The output is a KML file.
  • Launch ImageJ and process the files. The output is JPEGs (optionally TIFFs). (This step can be skipped, but some other way of converting files to JPEGs is required); after that run movie2dng+dcraw, for example.
  •<dir_name> - stitch the images processed in ImageJ using Hugin tools.
  •<results_dir> - rescale results using ImageMagick.