Upgrading Eclipse

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Upgrading Eclipse installation to work with Elphel projects, including VDT plugin that launches another Eclipse application (e.g. from Neon to Oxygen)

Increase memory sizes in new installation eclipse.ini -make them the same as in previous installation, such as (depending on actual memory available)


Always backup your workspace files tree or use copies, such as workspace-neon and workspace-oxygen (start with a copy of workspace-neon).

Same for secondary workspaces (runtime-EclipseApplication-neon, runtime-EclipseApplication-oxygen). You may find the path to the secondary workspace for VDT plugin here:

Run -> Run Configurations -> Eclipse Application -> Eclipse Application -> Main (tab) -> Location

That may look like: ${workspace_loc}/../runtime-EclipseApplication-oxygen

First open current (working) version of Eclipse (here: Neon), select

File -> Export -> Install -> Installed Software Items to File
Select: All
Select: Include entries not found in repositories
select location where to save the export file

Run new Eclipse version, select new empty workspace, not the working one with your projects

File -> Import -> Install -> Install Software Items from File -> Next
Locate exported file
select: Install latest version of selected file

Then close Eclipse and open it with workspace-oxygen (copied from workspace-neon). Eclipse will worn you that it will update the workspace and there is no way back. Agree, as it is a copy of the workspace-neon, not workspace-neon itself.

You projects should open correctly. Now change location of the secondary workspace (from ...-neon to ...-oxygen) in:

Run -> Run Configurations -> Eclipse Application -> Eclipse Application -> Main (tab) -> Location

Try running that secondary Eclipse (it will take longer first time before it will ask about updating configuration to the new Eclipse version)