From ElphelWiki
Revision as of 02:58, 14 August 2011 by OneArtPlease (talk | contribs)
- bug/feature request: add a way to see if a new file segment has been started and how many file segments a single recording already has (like new parameters: <file_segments> <current_file_segment> in xml status output)
- automatically create a new folder for every recording, store all file segments of the same recording in there,
- after finishing a recording create md5 hashes of all video segment files (video123.mov -> video123.md5), this will help making sure that (ftp) transfered files match the file on the camera HDD
- automatically create a textfile in every clip folder after finishing a recording with metadata (eg: meta.txt with recording settings, dates, number of file segments and their filenames, etc.)
- add realtime graph showing focus quality (= amount of high frequency in image) in main layout
- add "view last recorded clip" button in mainlayout
- (Stereo3D mode) automatically initialise master / slave trigger parameters at startup
- (Stereo3D mode) control fps using TRIG_PERIOD rather than FP1000SLIM
- (Stereo3D mode) changing of all parameters applies to both cameras (eg Movie Split Size)
- (Stereo3D mode) use only one record start button, get rid of the "Rec Test" one
- (Stereo3D mode) show info for both cameras (buffer status, HDD space etc.)
- implement client side (computer that EV is running on) audio recording (not perfectly in sync with video from camera) but at least match file names and with use of a clapper-board it should be easy to align in post-production.
- Add tool-tip balloon when pressing an Ebutton for 1 or 2 seconds.
- Implement Hotkeys for every Button on screen - either underline the Key in the Text or add a "Hotkey: [S]" information to every tooltip balloon
- allow navigating EButtons with cursur keys (up-down-left-right-select) - highlight current selection button somehow
- allow "slow shutter", shutter longer then 1/FPS to allow reducing FPS.
- add button to mainlayout to disable live video stream
- add warning notice on circbuffer buffer overflow