Eyesis4Pi 393 Panorama Previewer
From ElphelWiki
This WebUI made for previewing unstitched Eyesis4Pi footage - JP4s or JPEGs. It can be used for selecting panoramas - if all the panoramas are to be processed than using it is not necessary.
Available for direct downloading from the Elphel Git or from a terminal window provided GIT client is installed:
git clone https://git.elphel.com/Elphel/eyesis4pi393-panorama-previewer.git panorama_preview
User Guide
- Clone the repository.
- Install the required software.
- Create a link from the web server root path to the source folder.
- Place footage to /data/footage/FOOTAGE_NAME.
- Extract a KML file from the Footage Procedures page.
- Select the footage series in the Choose Date drop down menu.
- Use map and Image number for navigation.
- Use copy button to move the selected preview to the processing directory.