From ElphelWiki
Sensors addresses
0x48 - broadcast 0x4a - J2 0x4c - J3 0x4e - J4
Initialization sequence
01. Apply clock to 10359
02. fpcf -i2cw16 807 2 - switch i2c bus to EEPROM & CY22393
03. fpcf -X 4 96 - switch internal 96MHz on the 10359
04. fpcf -i2cw16 807 1 - switch from the 10353's clock to the 10359's generated clock
05. fpcf -i2cw16 801 3 - reset system clock DCM
06. fpcf -i2cw16 802 3 - reset SDRAM clock DCM
07. fpcf -i2cw16 803 3 - reset J2 DCM
08. fpcf -i2cw16 804 3 - reset J3 DCM
09. fpcf -i2cw16 805 3 - reset J4 DCM