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Webcam Viewer

Software needed to use high-resolution network cameras as webcameras that can be viewed from websites (ours and our clients) should demonstrate ... well, high resolution. But as even 3 MPix is higher than computer screens, some software is needed on the client to simplify image manipulation preserving full resolution.

Here is a model html+javaScript Image viewer. It will be opened as a pop-up window from the main page to reduce the number of browser visible elements above/below the image area, url and refresh period (if any) will be passed to this window, last window configuration saved as cookies (not done yet). Refresh will use dummy suffix to URL to make it different, new image will show only after complete download (also not done yet). Currently Mozilla/Firefox and IE6 are known to work, konqueror - known to fail.

Window uses two frame frameset (so 3 files). The full size image (currently 3 MPix) is loaded from the server (once), the rest is done with javascript. Left frame containes a scaled image so it fits in the frame (frame can be resized as needed by dragging the frame border), rigth frame - a "zoom 1:1" fraction of the image. Clicking inside the scaled image (left frame) shows the rectangle matching the left frame that can be dragged by moving the mouse (button should be better released). While dragging that rectangle the right frame shows its contents with full resolution.

Right clicking in the right frame allows saving the full resolution image, it is also possible to add a link to that image so the full image will open in a new window.