From ElphelWiki
cammkv is an alternative (to camogm) camera internal harddisk video recorder that uses a Matroska container (camogm uses quicktime).
Not all features from camogm are implemented yet.
Install Instructions
First transfer the Cammkv_new.tar.gz file to your camera via FTP to an empty directory (the guide assumes you use /var/test)
Then log in to the camera via ssh/telnet:
cd /var/test tar -xzf Cammkv_new.tar.gz
define variables
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/var/test export LIBQUICKTIME_PLUGIN_DIR=/var/test
start cammkv as
./cammkv cammkv.pipe
Login on another terminal (ssh/telnet) and do:
cd /var/test echo 'debuglev=3' >cammkv.pipe
You MUST set prefix:
echo 'prefix=/var/hdd/' >cammkv.pipe
Set output format for video
echo 'format=mov' >cammkv.pipe or echo 'format=mkv' >cammkv.pipe (used by default)
You can on/off audio if need
echo 'audio=off' >cammkv.pipe or echo 'audio=on' >cammkv.pipe
start recording
echo 'start' >cammkv.pipe
stop recording
echo 'stop' >cammkv.pipe