Control Panel
This is a legacy page. The information bellow is not compatible with Elphel 393 or 353/363 series cameras.
The control panel is a new feature on the Elphel cameras that allows for:
- A quick scan of camera hardware & software status
- A separate report of camera hardware & software status can be generated, this can be sent to Elphel for the aid of troubleshooting the cameras or for personal use.
[hide]Current Status
This project is currently in BETA, and can be found at http://camera address/UI.html after reflashing with the latest tarball
The Control Panel can show the following information
- Camera IP address, Gateway, Broadcast Address, Netmask, and other network settings
- Camera Serial Number
- Camera Software Version
- Processes (Daemons) currently running on the camera
- FPGA info
- fpga_sdram_phase
- Cat_interupts
You can change the following network settings with the Control Panel
- Camera IP address
- Broadcast address
- Netmask
- Gateway
All of this information is included in a status report the camera is able to generate. This report can be sent to Elphel support for help with troubleshooting.
This new version of the control panel will feature a tabbed interface and will be written with expansion and modularization in mind.
The back-end will be a simple php script that calls functions and indexes them into a simple xml file, which is parsed by the javascript in the front-end.
General Tab
The general tab will be the first seen (like the index) and will display general information, quickly accessed, including:
- Camera software:
- Camera IP address, netmask, browadcast, gateway & multicast address
- Date & Time
- Load average, ps
- Software version
- 10353 FPGA code version, revision & information
- 10359 FPGA code version, revision & information
- 10347 FPGA code version, revision & information
- Camera hardware:
- Camera serial number (MAC address) and 10353 revision number, Manufacturing Date.
- Sensor model and revision
- Detected boards (10359, 10369, 10347, ...)
- If 10369 is detected, show connected hardware (df -h, CF, IDE HD, SATA HD, USB devices, temperature, ...)
- If 10359 is detected, try to detect cascaded 10359, try to detect other connected 10353, detect connected sensors
- Compiled camera status for bug reporting
- /*source inside*/ logo (links):
- source code on the camera
- the Axis developer wiki
- the Elphel website
- the Elphel wiki
- Sourceforge page
- Admin-bin built-in program
Configuration Tab
- Change the default application
- Add additional application(s)
- Change Network Settings
- Change Date & Time
- by syncing to the computer time
- by configuring and setting NTP client at boot
- Change root password & lighttpd password
- Configure actions to perform at boot
- daemons what should be loaded or not
- send an e-mail at boot
- execute an URL at boot
- Reboot the camera
Board specific tab
10359 board
- Configure the default application of the 10359
- ...
10369 board
- Configure thermometer/fan
- Configure kernel modules for additional hardware (USB, ...)
- Configure CF/IDE/SATA
- Configure camera synchronization
- Configure RS232 (console port or serial port and settings)
- Configure CMOS clock
Help Tab
The help tab will have some clarifications of the project, but will not be a substitute for good design.
Other Changes
- Confirm Changes Dialogue:
- A simple dialogue that confirms changes (alert) and an ajax-dynamic tab that lists changes (a hidden div)
Any suggestions for features or additional camera information you would like to see should be listed here.