GPS receivers
From ElphelWiki
[hide]General Info
- If a GPS receiver is connected to a camera its data is automatically written into the image's EXIF header.
- To check if the GPS is connected and outputs data
Garmin GPS18x-5Hz serial
- Connected to the camera through a USB-to-Serial adapter (SBT-USC1K - also used to connect a PC to the camera's serial port)
- Output is NMEA0183 sentences
check GPS output lines
/usr/local/bin/nmea2exif /dev/ttyUSB0
... Got NMEA string >>GPGGA,231752.4,4043.39074,N,11155.91606,W,2,07,1.1,1289.1,M,-13.8,M,,<< Got NMEA string >>GPRMC,231752.6,A,4043.39074,N,11155.91606,W,000.02,086.1,150111,013.2,E<< ...
In telnet/ssh session:
Garmin GPS18x USB