Filippov, Andrey and Dzhimiev, Oleg "Long Range 3D with Quadocular Thermal (LWIR) Camera" arXiv preprint arXiv:1911.06975 (2019).
Elphel publication
Markov, Aleksey and Polyakov, Sergey and Sun, Bо and Lukin, Valeriy and Popov, Sergey and Yang, Huigen and Zhang, Tijun and Cui, Xiangbin and Guo, Jingxue and Cui, Penghui and others "Polar Science"
Used Ephel camera in experimental setup
Campbell, Andrew, Alan Both, and Qian Chayn Sun. "Detecting and mapping traffic signs from Google Street View images using deep learning and GIS."
Elphel cameras for GSV referenced
Díaz, Hernán Porras, Duvan Yahir Sanabria Echeverry, and Johan Alexander Ortiz Ferreira. "Tendencia mundial en tecnologías de sistemas de mapeo móvil implementadas con láser."
Elphel Eyesis referenced
Nebiker, Stephan. "Stereo Image Capturing System." U.S. Patent Application No. 16/070,120.
Elphel Eyesis referenced in the "Description"
Grässer, Christian, et al. "Enhanced position measurement systems and methods." U.S. Patent Application No. 10,168,153.
Elphel Eyesis referenced 4 times in "Other publications"
Luo, Z. C., et al. "The Role of Plastic Strain on the Delayed Fracture Behavior of Twinning-Induced Plasticity Steels." Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A (2019): 1-11.
Used Ephel camera in experimental setup
Filippov, Andrey, and Dzhimiev, Oleg. "See far with TPNET: a Tile Processor and a CNN Symbiosis." arXiv preprint arXiv:1811.08032 (2018).
Elphel publication
Jakovčević, Toni, Marin Bugarić, and Darko Stipaničev. "A STEREO APPROACH TO WILDFIRE SMOKE DETECTION: THE IMPROVEMENT OF THE EXISTING METHODS BY ADDING A NEW DIMENSION." Computing & Informatics 37.2 (2018).
Used Elphel stereo camera
Cui, Xiangbin, et al. "The First Fixed-wing Aircraft for Chinese Antarctic Expeditions: Airframe, modifications, Scientific Instrumentation and Applications." Journal of Environmental and Engineering Geophysics 23.1 (2018): 1-13.
Used Ephel camera in experimental setup
Lancaster, Jessica Michelle. "Utilization of Depth-Enabled Identification and Tracking System to Identify and Track Individual Pigs and Analyse Individual Pig Activity." (2018).
Used in experimental setup
Kulper, Sloan A., et al. "A novel fracture mechanics model explaining the axial penetration of bone-like porous, compressible solids by various orthopaedic implant tips." Journal of the mechanical behavior of biomedical materials 80 (2018): 128-136.
Used Ephel camera in experimental setup
Luo, Z. C., et al. "The effect of deformation twins on the quasi-cleavage crack propagation in twinning-induced plasticity steels." Acta Materialia 150 (2018): 59-68.
Used Ephel camera in experimental setup
Anita Havele. "Design Printing and Scanning: Web3D Makers Making More!" BOF Presentation at SIGGRAPH (2018).
Demonstrated multiple Elphel X3D applications
Jackson, Joshua Conrad, et al. "Synchrony and Physiological Arousal Increase Cohesion and Cooperation in Large Naturalistic Groups." Scientific reports 8.1 (2018): 127.
Used Ephel camera in experimental setup
Echeverry, Duvan Yahir Sanabria, Hernán Porras Díaz, and Johan Alexander Ortíz Ferreira. "Tendencia mundial en tecnologías de sistemas de mapeo móvil implementadas con láser." AVANCES: Investigación en Ingeniería 15.1 (2018): 204-230.
References Elphel Eyesis4pi camera
Abdelsalam, Dahi Ghareab, and Michel Stanislas. "Spherical aberration measurement of a microscope objective by use of calibrated spherical particles." Applied optics 56.16 (2017): 4766-4771.
Used Ephel camera in experimental setup
Jackson, Joshua Conrad, et al. "Beyond “birds of a feather”: A social inference approach to attachment-dependent grouping." Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 73 (2017): 216-221.
Used Ephel camera in experimental setup
Soria Guzmán, Irene, et al. "Ética hacker, seguridad y vigilancia." (2016).
Describes Elphel hackability
Pivoňka, Tomáš. Vizuální lokalizace pro experimentaci v mobilní robotice. BS thesis. České vysoké učení technické v Praze. Vypočetní a informační centrum., 2016.
Used Ephel camera in experimental setup
Valle Simon, Jennifer. Multi-view video acquisition with synchronized IP cameras. BS thesis. Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2016.
Used Ephel camera in experimental setup, developed code
Joyce, Kenneth R., and Troy L. Brown. "Integrated aerial photogrammetry surveys." U.S. Patent No. 9,235,763. 12 Jan. 2016.
Elphel Eyesis referenced 4 times in "Other publications"
He, Shaojun, and Shawn Weisenburger. "Use of overlap areas to optimize bundle adjustment." U.S. Patent No. 9,247,239. 26 Jan. 2016.
Elphel Eyesis referenced 4 times in "Other publications"
Arnedo Blanco, Víctor. Creation of interactive 3D documents to support the setup process of machine tools. BS thesis. Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2016.
Used Elphel Development Blog : X3D assemblies from any CAD.
Wang, Xiaogang, et al. "Infrared thermography coupled with digital image correlation in studying plastic deformation on the mesoscale level." Optics and Lasers in Engineering 86 (2016): 264-274.
Used Ephel camera in experimental setup
Li, Mingyang, et al. "Research and application of the personalized book search method based on user." Computer Science and Network Technology (ICCSNT), 2015 4th International Conference on. Vol. 1. IEEE, 2015.
Mentions Elphel NC323 book scanning camera
WANG, Xiaogang, Chao JIANG, and Xu HAN. "Plastic strain heterogeneity and work hardening of Ni single crystals." Acta Metall Sin 51.12 (2015): 1457-1464.
Used Ephel camera in experimental setup
Ribalda Delgado, Ricardo. "An innovative vision system for industrial applications." (2015).
Compared Elphel and other cameras that allow "raw" access to the sensor data, not a "black box".
Di Roberto, Riccardo, et al. "Optical payload for high-resolution Earth imaging suitable for microsatellites." Environment and Electrical Engineering (EEEIC), 2015 IEEE 15th International Conference on. IEEE, 2015.
Tested Elphel camera suitability for Space applications
Lemay, Lee C., Justin E. Gorgen, and Demoz Gebre-Egzhiabher. "System to use digital cameras and other sensors in navigation." U.S. Patent No. 9,031,782. 12 May 2015.
Used Ephel camera in experimental setup
Grässer, Christian, et al. "Enhanced position measurement systems and methods." U.S. Patent No. 9,182,229. 10 Nov. 2015.
Elphel Eyesis referenced 4 times in "Other publications"
Ansalone, L. U. I. G. I., and Fabio Curti. A Search Algorithm for Stochastic Optimization in Initial Orbit Determination. Diss. PhD Thesis, University of Rome “La Sapienza, 2014.
Suggested NC353 on a micro-satellite
Vialás Fernández, Simón. "Contenidos audiovisuales y licencias abiertas: una perspectiva desde la universidad." (2014).
Mentions as open source cameras
Reichenbach, Marc, et al. "Fast image processing for optical metrology utilizing heterogeneous computer architectures." Computers & Electrical Engineering 40.4 (2014): 1158-1170.
Developed FPGA board compatible with Elphel NC353 camera
Hoelzl, Ingrid, and Rémi Marie. "Google Street View: navigating the operative image." Visual Studies 29.3 (2014): 261-271.
References Elphel cameras
Голикова, Марина Алексеевна. "Электронная репрезентация текста как способ его хранения и обогащения." Текст. Книга. Книгоиздание 3 (7) (2014).
Mentioned Elphel 323 camera
Aijazi, Ahmad Kamal. 3D urban cartography incorporating recognition and temporal integration. Diss. Université Blaise Pascal-Clermont-Ferrand II, 2014.
Describes Elphel cameras usage in GSV
Frčka, Pavel. "Vyhledávání knih Google: analýza systému a jeho využití v České republice." (2014).
Mentions Elphel 323
López Márquez, Francisco Javier. "Sistema de visualización de flujos de vídeo en java en tiempo real." (2014).
Mentions Elphel open source camera
Schelev, Mikhail Ya, et al. "Examples of Streak Image Tube Application." Advances in Imaging and Electron Physics. Vol. 180. Elsevier, 2013. 99-164.
Used Ephel camera in experimental setup
Torres Moreira, Ángel Nicolás. Capture module for IP Elphel 353 cameras. Evaluation of performance. BS thesis. Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2013.
Project about Elphel camera
Wang, X. G., and Jean-Francois Witz. "Investigation of grain-scale surface deformation of a pure aluminium polycrystal through kinematic-thermal full-field coupling measurement." ICF13. 2013.
Used Ephel camera in experimental setup
Sharma, Alok. "'Google Book and Copyright': A Critical Perspective." (2013).
Referenced NC353 and NC323
FINCH, GABRIEL. "LiVES: LiVES is a Video Editing System."
Said, Yahia, et al. "Smart Camera Based on FPGA Oriented to Embedded Image Processing." Computers and Software (2013): 704.
Referenced Elphel camera
Morell, Mayo Fuster, et al. "Modelos emergentes de sostenibilidad de procomunes audiovisuales." Teknokultura 10.1 (2013): 131-153.
Referenced Elphel camera
ZAGOROVÁ, Marie. Sociální aspekty digitálních knihoven. Diss. Masarykova univerzita, Filozofická fakulta, 2013.
Mentions Elphel 323
Tomíšek, Jan. Právní aspekty služeb typu street view. Diss. Masarykova univerzita, Fakulta informatiky, 2013.
Referenses Elphel (in relation to GSV)
Reed, Richard, Susan Storrud-Barnes, and Len Jessup. "How open innovation affects the drivers of competitive advantage: Trading the benefits of IP creation and ownership for free invention." Management Decision 50.1 (2012): 58-73.
Mentions as "open innovation"
Ukwatta, Eranga, Jagath Samarabandu, and Mike Hall. "Machine vision system for automated spectroscopy." Machine Vision and Applications 23.1 (2012): 111-121.
Used Ephel camera in experimental setup
Alander, Jarmo T., et al. "A review of indocyanine green fluorescent imaging in surgery." Journal of Biomedical Imaging 2012 (2012): 7.
Compares to other cameras
Jophin, Shany, et al. "Gesture based interface using motion and image comparison." International Journal of Advanced Information Technology 2.3 (2012): 37.
Mentions Elphel camera
Abdelkafi, Nizar. "Open business models for the greater good–a case study from the higher education context." Die Unternehmung 66.3 (2012): 299-317.
Mentions as high performance open design
Blanchet, Clement E., et al. "Instrumental setup for high-throughput small-and wide-angle solution scattering at the X33 beamline of EMBL Hamburg." Journal of Applied Crystallography 45.3 (2012): 489-495.
Used in experimental setup
Strob, Miroslav, and Miroslav Strob. "Image Processing for Remote Visualization."
Used in experimental setup
Konya, Iuliu. "Adaptive methods for robust document image understanding." (2012).
Shows image of Elphel 323 as a book scanning camera
Bukin, V. V., et al. "Interferometric diagnostics of femtosecond laser microplasma in gases." Physics of Wave Phenomena 20.2 (2012): 91-106.
Used NC313 in experimental setup
Langevin, Ben Brand Kendra Brower Joe, and Jeffrey Le. "Autonomous Robotic Submarine."
References Elphel tutorial
Chen, Xing. Capturing fast motion with consumer grade unsynchronized rolling-shutter cameras. Diss. University of British Columbia, 2012.
References Elphel wiki article about camera synchronization
Merckel, Yannick. Experimental characterization and modeling of the mechanical behavior of filled rubbers under cyclic loading conditions. Diss. Ecole centrale de Lille, 2012.
Used in experimental setup
Σταματιάδης, Κωνσταντίνος. "A Study of Work Distribution in Open Source Software Projects." (2012).
Elphel appears in open source projects study
Perez, Marcelo Spalding. "Alice do livro impresso ao e-book: adaptação de Alice no país das maravilhas e de Através do espelho para ipad." (2012).
Mentions Elphel 323 as a book scanning camera
Murrell, Mary. The open book: digital form in the making. Diss. UC Berkeley, 2012.
Describes Elphel cameras use in Google projects
Bravo, Ignacio, et al. "Efficient smart cmos camera based on fpgas oriented to embedded image processing." Sensors 11.3 (2011): 2282-2303.
References publication, describes as open software/open hardware
Cazenave, François, et al. "DEVELOPMENT OF THE ROV SCINI AND DEPLOYMENT IN MCMURDO SOUND, ANTARCTICA." Journal of Ocean Technology 6.3 (2011).
Uses Elphel multiple cameras in experimental setup
Çelik, Harun. Karayolları etüt ve proje çalışmalarında mobil haritalama sistemlerinin kullanılabilirliği. Diss. Selçuk Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2011.
Describes Elphel Model 313 and Model 333 cameras
Giraldez, Dember Alexander. FPGA-aided MAV vision-based estimation. Diss. Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2011.
Used in experimental setup
Botella Juan, Guillermo, et al. "Uso de hardware libre en el Máster de Formación del Profesorado de Secundaria (Especialidad Informática)." (2011).
Described as Freee software open hardware under GNU/GPL
Rugeles, Daniel, et al. "IVI Project: 3D Reconstruction of the human body using artificial vision."
Selected Elphel camera for a 3D scanner
Talvala, Eino-Ville Aleksi. The Frankencamera: building a programmable camera for computational photography. Stanford University, 2011.
Used in experimental setup
Malyutin, Aleksandr Aleksandrovich, Vitalii Alekseevich Podvyaznikov, and Viktor Konstantinovich Chevokin. "Density jumps in the plasma of a nanosecond laser-induced spark and their dynamics." Quantum Electronics 41.1 (2011): 38-42.
Used in experimental setup
Ahrendt, Peter, Torben Gregersen, and Henrik Karstoft. "Development of a real-time computer vision system for tracking loose-housed pigs." Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 76.2 (2011): 169-174.
Used in experimental setup
Малютин, Александр Александрович, Виталий Алексеевич Подвязников, and Виктор Константинович Чевокин. "Скачки плотности в плазме наносекундной лазерной искры и их динамика." Квантовая электроника 41.1 (2011): 38-42.
Used in experimental setup
Vialás Fernández, Simón. "Contenidos audiovisuales y licencias abiertas: Una perspectiva desde la universidad."
Describes as open software/open hardware
Adrian, Kevin, et al. "fakultät für informatik." (2011).
Used in experimental setup and modified FPGA code in Elphel NC353
Букин, Владимир Валентинович, et al. "Интерферометрическая диагностика фемтосекундной лазерной микроплазмы в газах." Труды ИОФАН 67 (2011): 3-31.
Used in experimental setup
Fogel, Aaron, and Billy Collins. "Три неверно атрибуированных текста, нью-эйдж и галактика Гутенберга: развивая Беньямина."
References 323 as a camera for Google Books
Giraud, Pierre-Amiel. "TERRITOIRES DU LIBRE."
Describes Elphel as free cameras - both software and hardware
Adams, Andrew, et al. "The Frankencamera: an experimental platform for computational photography." ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG). Vol. 29. No. 4. ACM, 2010.
Used in experimental setup
Levoy, Marc. "Experimental platforms for computational photography." IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications 30.5 (2010): 81-87.
Used in experimental setup
Ragsdale, Roy D., and Grant A. Jacoby. "Photo-trail: building eye-level-view enhanced navigation technology." Proceedings of the 7th IEEE conference on Consumer communications and networking conference. IEEE Press, 2010.
Referenced Elphel publications
Petrie, Gordon. "An introduction to the technology: mobile mapping systems." Geoinformatics 13.1 (2010): 32.
Use of Elphel cameras in GSV
Rugeles, Daniel, et al. "Proyecto IVI: Reconstrucción tridimensional del cuerpo humano mediante visión artificial."
Selected Elphel camera for a 3D scanner
Fleck, Sven, and Wolfgang Straßer. "Privacy Sensitive Surveillance for Assisted Living–A Smart Camera Approach." Handbook of Ambient Intelligence and Smart Environments. Springer, Boston, MA, 2010. 985-1014.
Describes as a camera running Linux
Tristancho, Joshua, et al. "A lunar explorer self-contained PicoRover." 38th COMMITTEE ON SPACE RESEARCH Scientific Assembly (2010).
Used in experimental setup
| Ferreira, Edy. Types of market offers enabled by open source hardware. Diss. Carleton University, 2010.]
Evaluated as an open software/open hardware company
Reis, Fernando Filipe A. Gomes Silva. "IP Camera on FPGA with a Web Server."
Described and referenced Elphel camera as high performance open software/open hardware.
Dumazet, Sylvain. Modélisation de l'apparence visuelle des matériaux-Rendu Physiquement réaliste. Diss. Châtenay-Malabry, Ecole centrale de Paris, 2010.
Mentions as an open source camera
Urzelai, Aitor, et al. "economía abierta." (2010).
Mentions as an open source camera
Abdelkafi, Nizar, Thorsten Blecker, and Christina Raasch. "From open source in the digital to the physical world: a smooth transfer?." Management Decision 47.10 (2009): 1610-1632.
Described Elphel as free software/hardware company
Ukwatta, Eranga, and Jagath Samarabandu. "Vision based metal spectral analysis using multi-label classification." Computer and Robot Vision, 2009. CRV'09. Canadian Conference on. IEEE, 2009.
Used in experimental setup
김미향. "도서관 정보시스템 및 디지털콘텐츠 이용." (2009).
Referenced model 323 camera
Fernández Murcia, Enric, and Raúl Cuadrado Santolaria. "Implementation and verification of a Lunar mission subsystems." (2009).
Used in experimental setup
Kowalewski, Matthew G., and Scott J. Janz. "Remote sensing capabilities of the airborne compact atmospheric mapper." Earth Observing Systems XIV. Vol. 7452. International Society for Optics and Photonics, 2009.
Used in experimental setup on Global Hawk