Working with raw image data

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Capturing and downloading

raw.php (demo)

  • capture (for ports 0 and 1):
  • download
  • description:
1. without parameters will print help
capture request:
2. decodes requested ports
3. reads current frame_number
4. sets buffers sizes
5. triggers copying pixel data from video memory to system memory for the frame_number+1 (waiting is implemented in the videomem driver).
   Image numbers might not match - this depends on fps.
6. prints debug info and links to download raw images
download request:
7. decodes raw info from sysfs and calculates the number of bytes needed to be read
   There is fullwidth,width and height - the raw image size is fullwidth x height x bytes_per_pixel/8, 
   fullwidth is the width upped to the whole number of 128-bit bursts. 
   And so the width is the number of valid pixels.
8. sets http response headers
9. outputs pixel data (demo)

  • run:
  • description:
1. scans all available ports, determines the trigger master
2. reads current frame_number to be used later
3. formats system memory buffers and mmaps to user memory (all available ports)
4. selects position in video memory (0 or 1)
5. triggers copying pixel data from video memory to system memory for the frame_number+1 (waiting is implemented in the videomem driver).
   Image numbers might not match - this depends on fps.
6. prints the first 16 bytes of the image
7. prints raw image info for each port

Command line

  • Available options (channels can be 0..3):
# set receiving buffer size in 4kB pages (thus 4096 equals to 16MB)
echo {size} > /sys/devices/soc0/elphel393-mem\@0/buffer_pages_raw_chn2
# start from the N-th frame position in buffer. Currently, 0 or 1
echo 1 > /sys/devices/soc0/elphel393-videomem\@0/video_frame_number
# initiate transfer, wait for X-th frame (X - absolute frame number), 0 = no waiting
echo X > /sys/devices/soc0/elphel393-videomem\@0/membridge_start2
# copy to file
cat /dev/image_raw2 > /tmp/test.raw
# see in hex
hexdump /tmp/test.raw
# copy to PC
scp /tmp/test.raw user@address:/path/
  • Minimal:
echo 4096 > /sys/devices/soc0/elphel393-mem\@0/buffer_pages_raw_chn2
echo 0 > /sys/devices/soc0/elphel393-videomem\@0/membridge_start2
cat /dev/image_raw2 > /tmp/test.raw



  • Camera settings: 2592x1936 JPEG, actual valid pixels - 2596x1940, pixels read - 2608x1940:
convert -size 2608x1940 -depth 8 -endian MSB -normalize gray:test.raw -compress lzw result.tiff
  • Camera settings: 2592x1936 JP4, actual pixels available: 2592x1936
convert -size 2592x1936 -depth 8 -endian MSB -normalize gray:test.raw -compress lzw result.tiff

The result is a grayscale tiff

bayer2rgb program

  • Available here.
  • Camera settings: 2592x1936 JPEG:
bayer2rgb -w 2608 -v 1940 -b 8 -f GRBG -m AHD -t -i test.raw -o test.tiff

The result is a colored tiff image. Pixel values are linear.


  • Camera settings: 2592x1936 JPEG:
    • a)
#!/usr/bin/env python
import cv2
import numpy as np

width = 2608
height = 1940

with open("test.raw", "rb") as rawimg:
   img = np.fromfile(rawimg, np.dtype('u1'), width * height).reshape(height, width)
   colimg = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BAYER_GB2BGR)
   cv2.imwrite("test.jpeg", colimg)
   #cv2.imshow("color", colimg)
    • b) for PC:
from PIL import Image
rawData = open("test.raw", 'rb').read()
imgSize = (2608,1940)# the image size
img = Image.frombytes('L', imgSize, rawData)"result.jpeg")# can give any format you like .png

The result will be a grayscale image.


Open the file and process as pixel array RGGB, GRBG, GBRG or BGGR - 8 or 16 bits