Eyesis4Pi User Guide - Recording

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Revision as of 18:24, 3 December 2012 by Oleg (talk | contribs) (Setting recording parameters: camera settings)
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cd <any-path>
git clone git://elphel.git.sourceforge.net/gitroot/elphel/eyesis4pi_gui (initial checkout)
git pull (update)



Follow the instructions in INSTALL.txt:

1. Install the following packages, terminal:
 sudo apt-get install php5 apache2

2. Make the src folder visible to the web server:
2a. Create a link, terminal: "sudo ln -sf <path-to-eyesis4pi_gui-folder> /var/www/eysisgui"
2b. Or copy all the files to /var/www/eyesisgui.
Note: "/var/www" is the (apache2) web server's document root folder.

3. Make the footage root folder "/data/footage" writable for everyone.


  • Eyesis4Pi
  • Switch 3CRDSF9PWR / Netgear FS726TP
  • PC / Laptop

Power On

  • Turn the switch on.
  • Connect the camera's ethernet cables to the PoE enabled ports. The camera boot takes about 1 min.
Switch panel comments.jpeg

Network Set Up

IP address: (example)

Note: Eyesis4Pi's default IP addresses:

System Tests

  • Open the GUI page (the address is bookmarked in the Firefox and in the Chrome). The GUI address is:

Recording gui settings.jpeg
  • Go to the "Settings" -> "Test"-tab:
  • Follow the Open the test page-link, the tests are:

1. All the modules are online.
2. GPS locked
3. IMU detected
4. Internal CF cards are present

Setting recording parameters: storage paths

  • Check paths at the Settings -> Recording-tab

Absolute footage path - the path to the folder where all the footage series are stored. Must be writable to everyone.
Series subfolder - created automatically
Files limit in a subfodler - number of files stored in a subfolder inside Series subfolder

CF card device name - GPS/IMU log is saved to the internal CF cards. On the master camera they are /dev/hda1 & /dev/hdb1
GPS/IMU log file name - absolute path (in the master camera)+ log base name
Starting index - logs are named as follows - [base_name]-[index]
Records per file - number of records per log file. New file: an incremented index is added to the base name.

Recording tab.jpeg

Setting recording parameters: camera settings

  • Check camera settings at the Settings -> Camera-tab

Trigger period,ms  - 1/FPS.
Skip frames mask - hex 0x1ff - bit[8]=enable, bits[7:0] - 1 - record frame, 0 - skip frame - in an 8-frame sequence.
HDRVexpos - in the HDR mode - the darker frame multiplication coefficient to get exposure for the lighter frame.
AutoExp max, ms - the autoexposure value limit.
AutoExp level - value of a pixel at which the autoexposure works.
AutoExp fracpix - number of pixels below the Autoexp level.
AutoExp frame ahead - number of previous frames used for calculatin the current frame exposure.
Compression quality - JP4/JPEG compression quality.
HDR mode - at the fps rate the dark and the bright images alternate.
Skip Frames Mask: 
  0x1ff - frames are not skipped, camera is triggered at Trigger period.
  0x155 - the camera is triggered at Trigger period/2 but only every other frame is recorded. It makes autoexposure adapt quicker and in the HDR mode records only normally exposed images skipping the underexposed ones.
Recommended values for 1 fps:
Trigger period,ms  = 1000 (ms)
Skip Frames Mask = 0x155
HDR mode = On

Camera tab.jpeg


  • Record-button to start recording


  • Stop-button for stop.

Downloading IMU/GPS Log

  • After stopping - go to the Settings -> Recording-tab to download the IMU/GPS log.

Checking the Recorded Footage

  • Check the footage at the Absolute footage path - each panorama set should consist of 9 images named with a timestamp of when it was taken plus the index of the camera (seconds_microseconds_index.jp4):
Footage folder structure.jpeg

Note: Missing files most likely means that the FPS is too high.
