Camera hardware

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Elphel Network Cameras Manual

353/363 | Using the cameras | Camera software | Live CD | Camera hardware | Diagnostic & repair | Development documentation | 333 prices | Information | FAQ | About Elphel, Inc


While continuing to support Model 333 cameras Elphel is now offering newer Model 353 cameras and recommends them for the new applications


All the FPGA code is provided under the terms of GNU General Public License. All the source code is available inside the camera but you may want to visit the Elphel web site for the latest version.

Board design

Board side.png

Board overside.png




FPGA Development

Documentation for Specific FPGA modules. Developers can use these basic interface modules to design image processing algorithms or modify existing compresion algorithms.

Sensor interface:

Memory interface:

System interface:

Free Software and Open Hardware. Elphel, Inc., 2005