Cross compiling standalone packages for the camera
From ElphelWiki
This is a legacy page. Information may not reflect the current state of the products or code.
This page describes software for 353_legacy - legacy Model 353 cameras.
This procedure is intended to
- test software before including it in the cvs,
- to build software that would be too big to fit into the firmware image,
- to build standalone packages you just dont want to include into the firmware image.
ELPHEL_SOURCEDIR and TOOLCHAIN values below are installation dependent, check if it match yours.
Setting environment variables
You must source init_env from the Elphel firmware source directory, eg:
ELPHEL_SOURCEDIR=/usr/local/src/elphel353-8.0.7/elphel353 cd $ELPHEL_SOURCEDIR source init_env
and set the following variables:
# toolchain TOOLCHAIN=/usr/local/cris export PATH=/usr/local/crisv32/bin:$PATH export PATH=${TOOLCHAIN}/crisv32-axis-linux-gnu/bin:$PATH export PATH=${TOOLCHAIN}/bin:$PATH # binaries export CC=${TOOLCHAIN}/bin/crisv32-axis-linux-gnu-gcc export CXX=${TOOLCHAIN}/bin/crisv32-axis-linux-gnu-g++ export CPP=${TOOLCHAIN}/bin/crisv32-axis-linux-gnu-cpp export AR=${TOOLCHAIN}/bin/crisv32-axis-linux-gnu-ar export RANLIB=${TOOLCHAIN}/bin/crisv32-axis-linux-gnu-ranlib # options export CFLAGS=-I${TOOLCHAIN}/include export CFLAGS="${CFLAGS} -I${TOOLCHAIN}/crisv32-axis-linux-gnu/sys-include" export CXXFLAGS=${CFLAGS} export CPPFLAGS=${CFLAGS} export LDFLAGS=-L${TOOLCHAIN}/lib export LDFLAGS="${LDFLAGS} -L${TOOLCHAIN}/crisv32-axis-linux-gnu/lib/" # user includes and libraries export LDFLAGS="${LDFLAGS} -L/usr/local/crisv32/lib" export CFLAGS="${CFLAGS} -I/usr/local/crisv32/include" export CXXFLAGS=${CFLAGS}
(check ./configure --help and the Makefile to see if more is needed)
When the software is packaged using autoconf and automake
You normally just have to run:
./configure --host=crisv32-axis-linux-gnu --prefix=/usr/local/crisv32 [ other options ] make make install
When the software is not packaged using autoconf and automake
Edit the Makefile
Install the software on the camera
The first time, create a symbolic link for crisv32 directory in /usr/local, eg:
ssh root@cam ln -s . /usr/local/crisv32
Copy the software to the camera /usr/local directory, eg:
tar c /usr/local/crisv32/. | ssh root@cam tar xv -C /
(you may want to strip binaries and remove documentation before)
To run the software on the camera you may have to define:
export PATH=/usr/local/bin:$PATH export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH